adxl345 usb
Hi there, i am trying to connect the adxl345 fly which is only usb, no pins. Anyone please can help me out?
65 Replies
what error are you getting? You should just plug in USB and flash it using the configurator
There are multiple other threads on this, here's the first two:
Hi there, well my rpi(3a) dont have extra usb port to connect the adxl so i ordered a usb hub to coonect it on my rpi.
Also some people told me that i dont need to do the sudo thinging and instead ratos recognises the adxl by itsrlf, is that right?
Not with a usb adxl345... Those things a basically a controlboard in themselves, RatOS doesn't natively support any of them, so you will have to go through the same steps as on every other klipper installation. They're also almost as much as an actual toolboard and you have to edit your config twice everytime you need to use them, i don't really understand the point of them.
RatOS is set up for plain adxl345 boards wired via SPI like you can see in every single wiring diagram in the documentation.
and for ADXL integrated into toolboards
Yes! Not to forget 🙂
Ok then, i have and the regular one, so i might use that one instead then

they all work fine, just a question of what you have to go through to get them working
Hi, so i decided to go with the usb adxl, so with that said i need to go through the sudo procedure? With putty software?

Also, i wroye these in overrifes, printer.cfg
Am using vminion
Instead of 100,100,20 i wrote 90,90,20
not clear what you mean by "sudo procedure". You need to go and find the mcu serial for your device, ie:
ls -la /dev/serial/by-id/
, then configure it like i wrote in the other threads i see
So to find my serial i need to tyoe--> ls /dev/serial/by-id/*
and then identify the correct one, yes
this should be in the manual for whaver USB adxl controller you bought
Just follow that for configuration
Also i'm not sure you've read the threads i posted. The outlines of what to do and avoid are here:
Thanks, i will read everything you mentioned, and come back
Ok, do i did some progress, when i ve been through the threads you send i see that people use adxlmcu.cfg, do i need to do a cfg file like this as well? Any guidencd somewhere? Or something to do that?
Makes it easy to comment out, but no it's not required. The configuration in the picture you posted in your other thread is wrong, seems you haven't done the steps i outlined here, nor the documentation for your particular adxl345 usb device. And this is just a continuation of this thread, so i'm gonna lock and close that.
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If you want further support i'm gonna need a link to the device you've purchased and your printer.cfg
Thanks for your reply, yes close that thread, it was before i start to understand how it works, i fixed that problem and deleted everything what i wrote for adxl
Am gonna send you now the link of the device, about the printer.cfg i will upload tomorrow morning, its night here and am not on the computer right now
Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out!
€15.54 15%OFF | Mellow Fly-ADXL345 Accelerometer USB Board For Klipper Gemini Rspberry Pi Voron V0.1 2.4 Vzbot HevORT Ender 3 3D Printer Parts
Aight, so this is what you want in the user overrides of your printer.cfg
That's it, provided you set the right serial path, you can query it via
, and use the input shaper macros.
to get the serial, open your command promp (win+r, type cmd
, hit enter):
password is raspberry
Look for the line that has usb-Klipper_rp2040 in the name, copy it and replace the serial parameter under [mcu usbadxl]
in the doesnt recognize it for a reason
but what we are looking for i found it on putty software
you need to use the IP address instead of
it gave you the error "no such host is known"oh ok i will try now
am in now
Now you can use
ls -la /dev/serial/by-id
yes ok i got the id
i copy paste all the above and replaced my id
i still get errors
am uploading my printer.cfg as well
line 328 - change from
accel_chip: usbadxl345
to accel_chip: usbadxl

/dev/serial/by-id/usb-Klipper_rp2040_E6625887D3664932-if00sounds like this is probably incorrect
Ok so, the accel_chip: usbadxl fixed the previous problem
Is it any chance the flashing of the adxl i did to be incorrect?
Or no?
how did you flash it?
According the instructions, ok then i will try it again to reflash, now we know that printer.cfg is alright so am focusing on reflashing and the id
i get this error now

If i change the 328 line to adxl345 it seems to connect

When i try to use it its an error with the id
you have to specify the toolboard, otherwise it defaults to the main MCU (octopus)
Okay, where do i do that? Printer.cfg toolboard?
no, in the command. As Mikel pointed out earlier
Ooohh i missed that, sorry
so anytime you are doing a command with the adxl, you have to specify your toolboard one using the
another question about my id
i am using number 1
whats number 2 ?
do i need to use that one too ?
In linux there is this idea of a symbolic link. Meaning that a "file" just points to another file. In this case the file "usb-Klipper_rp2040_E6625887D3664932-if00" points to "/dev/ttyACM0"
but to answer your question, no, you don't also need "/dev/ttyACM0"
ok, so the id looks correct
when i run ACCELEROMETER_QUERY CHIP="usbadxl" i get some values
what should i do with those values ?
if its giving me those values it means that everything work ok right? i mean it communicates as it should
yeah, it is working. Now you use the ADXL - you probably want to use the macros
it needs to be “adxl345 usbadxl”
the accel_chip ?
accel_chip: adxl345 usbadxl
like this?
awesome seems to work
so what now? py ratrig is the vminion
the adxl i mounted it above hotend

also where do i find the graphs that are generated just now ?
Resonances data written to /tmp/resonances_y_20240204_181557.csv file
where is this location ?
i found them

i want to thank you gentlemen for all your help, i really appreciate it, it seems to work just fine now, thank you so much