Raspberry pi keeps broking

Hi. That's 4th time when my raspberry pi zero 2w or mainsail stopped working. Yesterday everything was working like it should. Today i've started printer, i cannot connect to my vminion.local through browser. It looks like files on sdcard are broken, because when i reinstall everything it's working again. When i try to connect through ssh i got an information Could not resolve hostname vminion.local: Unknown host. I have 2nd rpi and problem is the same, it's happening even with different sd cards, after some time i get this errors. What might cause this problem?
4 Replies
MichauuOP8mo ago
I am suin skr pico + rpi zero 2w and clear mainsail, kiauh
If vminion.local doesn't work use the IP address instead
MichauuOP8mo ago
after plugging rpi to usb i can see it's ip and that is connected in my router settings, but i canno connect even through ip, in ssh there is taht info: ssh: connect to host 192.168.x.x port 22: Connection timed out
mazas7mo ago
Have you replaced the pi or just the sdcard? How do u power the pi? Have you tried pinging the io address? Could there be static causing this? Could there be a potential difference between the MCI and the pi?

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