invert endstop pin?

My endstops (non ratrig but look the same) have inverted logic.. can i ! A pin in config? And where to find this? Im using pi4 and octopus 1.1 446
7 Replies
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
yes, but let's stop and think about this for a moment. If your endstops are inverted that means they are normally open. You want switches that are normally closed, because if there is a break in the wire they will show as open and you know you have an issue. With your endstops, since they are already open there is no way to tell when the wire breaks, thus you could ram your toolhead into the machine because it thinks it still hasn't been triggered
absent-sapphireOP•2y ago
Oke.. so now what... Re-pin the connector? Wich to change? - and in?
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
get new switches
absent-sapphireOP•2y ago
Cool.. but i dont have them today . In the meantime.. how can i invert this?
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
add to your user overrides section:
endstop_pin: ^!x_endstop_pin

endstop_pin: ^!y_endstop_pin
endstop_pin: ^!x_endstop_pin

endstop_pin: ^!y_endstop_pin
absent-sapphireOP•2y ago
Thx Ratrig shop endstops are the good ones i think? Nvm..they dont sell them🙄 And... Then... Just over 2 weeks in... Cable break in X endstop wire... Causing the printhead to ram into the gantry and somehow breaking my cooling duct.. nice🙄😅
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
Well, that is why people use normally closed switches

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