horizontal_move_z problem with finding it
I get this error with bltouch.
I know how to solve it and just need to change horizontal_move_z to higher one but I just cant find it.
Where is horizontal_move_z and whole bed mesh section in ratOS?
12 Replies
You just override it in your printer.cfg
generous-apricotOP•2y ago
generous-apricotOP•2y ago
Still not working
My probe Z is 5.190
Why 6 doesnt work here?
upload your printer.cfg please
generous-apricotOP•2y ago
generous-apricotOP•2y ago
are you getting that error during bed mesh or another time?
generous-apricotOP•2y ago
During bed mesh
I mean
I didnt get any further than it
if you search for
you can see there are several places you could override itgenerous-apricotOP•2y ago
I should search in that article?
But I cant find them in my config
they don't need to be unless you are overriding them https://os.ratrig.com/docs/configuration/includes-and-overrides
generous-apricotOP•2y ago
So can I override whole bed mesh section?
And where is it so I can copy it?
I restarted printer
And it looks like it works
Ill do test print