Hi all, hoping I can get some insight into a slight problem that I'm hitting. I'm trying to run PROBE_CALIBRATE with the paper test. When I run the command the window for adjusting Z opens without issue, and given that my nozzle is quite a distance from the bed, I can step it up 1mm at a time without issue. The problem come when I try baby stepping the bed closer to the nozzle. The bed appears to back off first before moving back up, but this just returns the bed to its original location. However, the UI doesn't detect the movement down (+ve Z) so the offset value continues to get smaller without the bed getting closer to the nozzle. Any thoughts on what I'm doing wrong or how to fix this? Hopefully the attached video will help show the issue more clearly than my explanation. Apologies for poor quality camera work!
4 Replies
ptegler2y ago
use those upper green keeps updating the dims as it splits the difference until you touch down.
fascinating-indigoOP2y ago
Nope, no luck on the green buttons. They do exactly the same as the numerical ones, as in the bed moves down then back up while the numbers reported in RatOS continue to get smaller. As RatOS is using Mainsail, and all Mainsail is doing is presenting a GUI to issue the gcode commands, is there anyway to bypass/supress that particular part of the GUI so I can just access the console and issue the commands manually? This way I can at least attempt to eliminate which aspect of the software is causing this headache.
fascinating-indigoOP2y ago
OK, got this sorted. Apparently the back and forward motion is expected behaviour. I couldn't see anywhere that this was documented though.

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