Advice on Sqauring Up - Strange mesh

Hi all! I have a strange looking mesh, with the back right having a spike and the back left having a dip - any advise where I should start regarding Squaring? Bed is clean and has no anomalies on it. Thanks in advance! 😄
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15 Replies
VisualTech48•10mo ago
You should raise A until the back 2 points are flat
VisualTech48•10mo ago
3D Printers & a Whiteboard
RatRig V-Core 3: How to Get a Square Frame
This video is for those who struggle getting bed meshed with their RatRig V-Core 3. Please feel free to jump to the chapter you are interested in. 0:00 Intro 1:05 about the v-core 3 frame and bed leveling 8:26 what to take care of in the building phase 9:17 the right square 10:09 build tips 16:50 adjusting the frame according to your bed mesh ...
stylaxOP•10mo ago
Thank you for the reply, how would you advise rasing A? In the video is explains to bring B down you loosen the bolts and give it a wack from the top right bar (looking at the numbnail) I would assume loosening the same bolts on the A extrusion and smacking it from the bottom?
VisualTech48•10mo ago
Enclosed or normal?
stylaxOP•10mo ago
normal 🙂
VisualTech48•10mo ago
You would do the same as B Unscrew the same bolts Then lift it gently but mark where your starting position is with a marker And then bolt a few bolts down and do testing again Repeat until the bed on the back is flat Then screw everything down
stylaxOP•10mo ago
thank you @VisualTech48 - when you say do the same as B, undo the same bolts shown in the video but on the A? and when you say lift, how would i 'lift' it? and where should i mark it? sorry for all the questions but i want to make sure i understand and learn as well as fix the issue. Appreciate you taking the time to help
VisualTech48•10mo ago
Yeah so the same bolts but on the A of course. You mark it here
VisualTech48•10mo ago
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VisualTech48•10mo ago
And then lift a bit, and then hold and screw a few bolts down
VisualTech48•10mo ago
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VisualTech48•10mo ago
Pretty much the idea, scew a few bolts, go for another test and re run If its good tighten it all up nice.
stylaxOP•10mo ago
amazing thank you! will give this ago and report back for lifting, just grab the extrusion and lift it up by hand?
VisualTech48•10mo ago
Yes, but bit by bit. But be patient. Lift it a bit, torque a few screw, check. You want C and D to be flat. And try using more points, 7x7
stylaxOP•10mo ago

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