4 pin Fan cant be controlled
Im trying to use the FAN5 port 4 wire fan on my octopus max EZ ... created a fan_generic in my overrides but I cant control the fan ... only if I disconnect the blue cable the fan runs at 100% ... in my printer.cfg all fans are still with # ... what is my mistake here again

30 Replies
please upload your printer.cfg and pictures of your wiring on your octopus max board
as side info ... my toolboard USB is damaged that why I removed the toolbard sections for the moment
FAN is connected like the Hotend Fan in the picture ...
hotend fan or part cooling fan? because in your printer.cfg you have part cooling fan
I used FAN 5... so it is using the hotend Fan connection because later the hotend Fan will be connected to the EBB42
try heating up your hotend and see if it turns on. I suspect because you haven't changed the config for your hotend fan it is still using the FAN5 port for that
I cant because my EBB is broken ... thats why the toolboard is with # ...
Ok, I already did exactly that and here is how it looks:

And so on. You cannot reuse pins that have already been designated in the aliases. This means: You have to mirrior ALL board aliases in use and #-out all the includes
Then you have to go through all includes one at a time to understand what you have to put in the printer.cfg and # them all out. This is about 2h of work.
Uff ... that sounds like a lot of work ... isnt there any work around ?
part cooling fan is also connected cause I dont use the EBB42 pins ... i used 4 wires between toolhead and mainboard
Can you send your klippy.log?
Hmmm, that looks right. Have you tried a higher cycle_time?
So, I just connected a 4pin Noctua to my mainboard and this works...
I simply pasted it into the Override section.
Also works if I place it inside a overrides.cfg, as you

Have you verified, that the fan is okay? Maybe test it inside your PC (if you can control the PWM there)?
OMG , i just double checked the connector and found the connection was bad ... thanks to everybody and sorry for my stupidity

any recommendation for good 4 pin connectors ?
I'm using regular 4 pin fan connectors, as used in PCs. Thats what the socket is made for.
Got mine from here, but they might even be included in the Max EZ accessories?
4-pin FAN Connector
This latest generation 4-pin fan connector is compatible to all fan connections on your PC motherboard. You can use these 4-pin FAN connectors with…
Yes this i used for the Board... i mean like a cable to cable connector ... this is what i used

Ah interesting. I’m also using one for the wire-to-wire connection to the toolhead, but it’s wrapped with heatshrink to avoid it coming loose
Yours looks better for this purpose!
Maybe Microfit Jr might be an option
bought them on amazon ... used the same on the toolbard for the part fan ... but is really big for this wire size
Just a correction here. You can use any alias for the pin you want, and define as many aliases as you want, the only limitation is that you can only use one alias for the same pin in your config. So your actual use of the alias has to be unique, you can assign a pin to as many aliases as you want.
For that reason all this copy pasting of code is very unfortunate and not necessary at all.
In the includes & overrides section on the RatOS website it is recommended that you just use the pin names from your boards pinout diagram.
This would not really help, as the previous aliases do not go away. Even if you use the pin he throws an error even if the prior use for the pin and its alias has expired (i.e. if you use a toolbord you cannot reuse the board fan pin for sth. Else until you decontruct every include).
This would not really help, as the previous aliases do not go away.They don't need to go away.
Even if you use the pin he throws an error even if the prior use for the pin and its alias has expiredI'm not sure what "expired" means. You should only use a pin for 1 single assignment. If you get an error when overriding that pin is used somewhere else in your config. Klipper config files are merged when loaded, no section and no parameter appear twice.
(i.e. if you use a toolbord you cannot reuse the board fan pin for sth. Else until you decontruct every include).This is incorrect. I'll give you a practical example This is a valid config: It results in This is an invalid config: This is an invalid config It results in: And both my_pin and my_other_pin refer to PA0 This is also a valid config: (i edited my_other_pin to be PA0 in all cases to make it more clear) I think what might have thrown you off is the use of [multi_pin]. That section in particular has special snowflake status.
Yeah. I see now. No worries: Printer is runnibg smoothely! Next large rebuild Ill think to fix that.
Just for further information now that this stuff is getting indexed on the web, see the quirk about [multi_pin] here: https://discord.com/channels/582187371529764864/843098069200666634/998705954541551769