SKRat correct pinout?

Hello, just received my BIGTREETECH SKRat and trying to configure it. I'm confused with the pinout of some pins. I use klipper with firmware RatOS. The config file from RatOS contains only pins, and the instructions with Github others. For example, in the RatOS configs for the first extruder motor, the STEP output is PB10, but in the instructions it is PB8. Can you help me somehow and explain where the values ​​are correct and where they are not? And maybe send the correct pinout for all outputs, since I already found a discrepancy between MISO and MOSI pins (in instruction MISO has PB15 pin and MOSI has PB14, in RatOS config and on the board MISO has PB14 pin and MOSI has PB15)
Solution: shows that ratos is correct. The step for E1 (motor 5) is PB10...
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8 Replies
which version of ratos are you using?
RatOS v2.0.2-30-gc1f73154
ratos is designed to work with skrat as long as you follow the wiring diagram I know many users are using it without problems so I would assume that ratos has the correct pinout
i understand this, but i need to connect second extruder motor but default config, as i see, has only one motor mapped. This part from original config file: [board_pins btt_skrat_10] aliases: steppers x_step_pin=PF9, x_dir_pin=PD7, x_enable_pin=PD6, x_uart_pin=PF10, x_diag_pin=PB5, x_endstop_pin=PB5, y_step_pin=PD3, y_dir_pin=PD2, y_enable_pin=PD5, y_uart_pin=PD4, y_diag_pin=PC1, y_endstop_pin=PC1, z0_step_pin=PA15, z0_dir_pin=PF8, z0_enable_pin=PC9, z0_uart_pin=PC8, z0_diag_pin=PC0, z_endstop_pin=PC0, z1_step_pin=null, z1_dir_pin=null, z1_enable_pin=null, z1_uart_pin=null, z1_diag_pin=null, z2_step_pin=null, z2_dir_pin=null, z2_enable_pin=null, z2_uart_pin=null, z2_diag_pin=null, e_step_pin=PB10, e_dir_pin=PE15, e_enable_pin=PA8, e_uart_pin=PB11, e_diag_pin=PF5, e_endstop_pin=PF5,
blacksmithforlife shows that ratos is correct. The step for E1 (motor 5) is PB10
oh, thank you, it still has incorrect mosi/miso pinout, but at least in that case it has marks on board. also, for another stepper i need to rename all existing 'e' to 'e0' and add second line with 'e1'?
no, do not mess with the aliases. If you are adding something, just use the pin names directly (PD10 for example)
ok, thank you

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