fried inductive probe pins octopus v1.1

Hello I accidentally shorted the pins that are for super pinda with a screw driver while tightening the mounting screw. I saw an arc and now it reports as the probe is triggered even if there is nothing connected to the pins. I probably fried something, right? Anyways, is there a way to use some other pins and change something in .cnf files and get the probe to work again?
49 Replies
miklschmidt2y ago
Yes you did, and yes you can use an endstop port. Just replace probe_pin in your printer.cfg with the name of the pin you connect it to. Refer to your boards pinout diagram.
jannu198OP2y ago
Alright, that seems pretty straightforward. Thank you very much! Quick question. Super pinda uses 5v but the endstops use 3.3 volts I can use the 5v power from fan headers, no problem. Where do i connect the ground?
jannu198OP2y ago
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jannu198OP2y ago
A or B ? Alright, thanks
miklschmidt2y ago
yes they are 5v tolerant.
jannu198OP2y ago
So i plug the the ground to the endstop terminal and not the fan one
miklschmidt2y ago
signal and gnd go to the endstop pins. 5V you get anywhere else.
jannu198OP2y ago
Alright thank you. The 5v fan terminal positive side is always armed and the negative side has switch, right? Or do i need to enable the 5v fan terminal in cnf file ?
miklschmidt2y ago
yes the + is always connected to a power rail (unless you pull off the jumper)
jannu198OP2y ago
Oh that seems logical.
jannu198OP2y ago
hello, it still says the probe is triggered. So i unpluged it and it still says that the probe is triggered. I guess i did not change the right thing in the cnf file. i will add the cnf file here. did i change out the right thing?
jannu198OP2y ago
i changed the probe_pin to PG10
miklschmidt2y ago
So your probe's signal pin (the black one if SuperPinda) is connected to this pin (red square)?
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miklschmidt2y ago
It's supposed to say triggered when unplugged (that way your printer won't crash if your probe dies). If you're still having problems, please post a picture of your wiring and tell me specifically what probe you're using.
jannu198OP2y ago
So here is my wiring. Is this correct?
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miklschmidt2y ago
Yes but your two endstops aren't, they're shorting (unless you have inverted them in the other end as well), which may explain your problems. Also you don't have a power jumper on the port where you're trying to get 5v from, so you're not getting any power.
miklschmidt2y ago
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jannu198OP2y ago
X and Y endstops function perfectly. They are inverted on the othersise aswell
jannu198OP2y ago
Last picture was bas soo here is a new one
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miklschmidt2y ago
Ah yeah i see the jumper now, then it looks fine
jannu198OP2y ago
Is there a reason why it’s still saying triggered even if the bed is like 30cm away from it ?
miklschmidt2y ago
No it's supposed to be open when it's further than 2mm away from metal
jannu198OP2y ago
Is there any way to test if my super pinda is faulty or not?
miklschmidt2y ago
You can measure continuity between the gnd and signal pin. It should have continuity while not in proximity to metal. (keep in mind it of course has to be powered when you're doing this measurement).
jannu198OP2y ago
How would i take the measurement while it’s powered. I would need to disconnect the endstop terminal to get the measurement? If i do that, there wouldn’t be any current flowing, right?
miklschmidt2y ago
Correct, you can try and touch the terminals in the plug. (Pull out the signal pin)
jannu198OP2y ago
Alright, i will give it a try When powered on it doesn’t report any continuity. When it’s turned of it says 10,6 kOhm Doesn’t matter if i hold a piece of metal in-front of it or not So i guess the super pinda is dead? If so is there anyway to do manual bed leveling ?
miklschmidt2y ago
You're measuring resistance, not continuity. Put your multimeter in continuity mode, usually indicated with a little speaker / radio wave. This is rare Not easily.
jannu198OP2y ago
Alright i will retest
jannu198OP2y ago
jannu198OP2y ago
Am i doing anything wrong?
now you need to put a piece of metal next to the superpinda while keeping your multimeter probes touching those contacts
jannu198OP2y ago
Shouldn’t it be detecting continuity while there in nothing in front?
miklschmidt2y ago
Try taking the signal pin out of the jst terminal it should yes
jannu198OP2y ago
Unfortunately still had the same result, even if i take the signal pin out of jst
jannu198OP2y ago
MK3s+ SuperPINDA Probe 5V 3PIN Super PINDA Auto Bed Leveling Sensor Compatible with Prusa i3 MK3/S/+, MK2.5/S, Mini + 3D Printer
MK3s+ SuperPINDA Probe 5V 3PIN Super PINDA Auto Bed Leveling Sensor...
This SuperPINDA can replace the P.I.N.D.A. V2 (MK3/S, MK2.5/S) and M.I.N.D.A. (MINI), BUT please make sure to use the 3.9.2 or higher firmware version.
jannu198OP2y ago
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jannu198OP2y ago
Would this be a valid replacement?
miklschmidt2y ago
That looks super sketchy to me (those reviews are terrible too) My recommendation is to only buy actual SuperPinda probes (made by P&F)
jannu198OP2y ago
Okay, will take a look so i just bought a new probe and still have triggered z probe Inductive probe configuration [probe] z_offset: 0.0 # Adjust this to fit your setup pin: ^PG10 # For NPN NC probes such as the Super Pinda / Vinda / SupCR / Decoprobe probes. #pin: ^!probe_pin # NPN NO (refer to the specs on your probe) #pin: probe_pin # PNP NO (refer to the specs on your probe) #pin: !probe_pin # PNP NC (refer to the specs on your probe) is this correct?
miklschmidt2y ago
yes 1) Your wiring is wrong 2) You fried another probe 3) The board pin you're using is fried. I'm guessing 1 Ie, signal pin isn't actually connected to PG10 or worse, in which case 2) is possible as well. Or you bought something that's not a superpinda In which case i'm gonna need the details of the probe you bought
jannu198OP2y ago
Bought it from ratrig
miklschmidt2y ago
Then it's a super pinda
jannu198OP2y ago
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jannu198OP2y ago
Circled wires are from superpinda Is this correct ?
miklschmidt2y ago
Yeah it is.
jannu198OP2y ago
So there is no way it is fried when this is the first time i wired it?
miklschmidt2y ago
And that is indeed PG10. No I honestly don't know what's going on I guess, try the bltouch ports again?
jannu198OP2y ago
I’m just cursed or something Will do Okay, now it works I have a feeling the first probe i had was either DOA or messed something up before It is good to know that the bltouch pins survived the short Anyways, thank you

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