fried inductive probe pins octopus v1.1

Hello I accidentally shorted the pins that are for super pinda with a screw driver while tightening the mounting screw. I saw an arc and now it reports as the probe is triggered even if there is nothing connected to the pins. I probably fried something, right? Anyways, is there a way to use some other pins and change something in .cnf files and get the probe to work again?
49 Replies
miklschmidt14mo ago
Yes you did, and yes you can use an endstop port. Just replace probe_pin in your printer.cfg with the name of the pin you connect it to. Refer to your boards pinout diagram.
jannu19814mo ago
Alright, that seems pretty straightforward. Thank you very much! Quick question. Super pinda uses 5v but the endstops use 3.3 volts I can use the 5v power from fan headers, no problem. Where do i connect the ground?
jannu19814mo ago
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jannu19814mo ago
A or B ? Alright, thanks
miklschmidt14mo ago
yes they are 5v tolerant.
jannu19814mo ago
So i plug the the ground to the endstop terminal and not the fan one
miklschmidt14mo ago
signal and gnd go to the endstop pins. 5V you get anywhere else.
jannu19814mo ago
Alright thank you. The 5v fan terminal positive side is always armed and the negative side has switch, right? Or do i need to enable the 5v fan terminal in cnf file ?
miklschmidt14mo ago
yes the + is always connected to a power rail (unless you pull off the jumper)
jannu19814mo ago
Oh that seems logical.
jannu19814mo ago
hello, it still says the probe is triggered. So i unpluged it and it still says that the probe is triggered. I guess i did not change the right thing in the cnf file. i will add the cnf file here. did i change out the right thing?
jannu19814mo ago
i changed the probe_pin to PG10
miklschmidt14mo ago
So your probe's signal pin (the black one if SuperPinda) is connected to this pin (red square)?
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miklschmidt14mo ago
It's supposed to say triggered when unplugged (that way your printer won't crash if your probe dies). If you're still having problems, please post a picture of your wiring and tell me specifically what probe you're using.
jannu19814mo ago
So here is my wiring. Is this correct?
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