Print Start shows a warning about incomplete Slicer configuration.
I started my first print after updating to RatOS 2.1-RC3 (Printing a ringing tower to calculate input shaping parameters) and received a warning message in the console as follows:
Incomplete Slicer Configuration detected
Your slicer gcode settings are not up to date.
Learn more about the RatOS Slicer Configuration
The screenshot of my console is shown below.
I did a little digging and I wonder if this part of the START_PRINT macro is the cause. The Start Print G-Code, per the RatOS documentation passes variables X0, X1, Y0, and Y1. There is no FIRST_X, or FIRST_Y parameter being passed. Should this be changed to read X0 and Y0 instead of FIRST_X and FIRST_Y?
30 Replies
Yes, I'm running Cura 5.9.0 and My start G-Code is START_PRINT EXTRUDER_TEMP={material_print_temperature_layer_0} BED_TEMP={material_bed_temperature_layer_0} X0=%MINX% Y0=%MINY% X1=%MAXX% Y1=%MAXY%. FYI, this is a non-IDEX V-Core 3.1
What machine?
Can you post the required files?
Saw it… VC3.1
V-Core 3.1. Here are the log files
I will ask Tom to take a look. He made the post processor
@tg73 can you take a look, please?
Sounds good. Another FYI, I was told by Helge to add the ratos variable to bypass the post-processor
Which I have
Did you create the necessary script?
The necessary script? I'm not sure what that means
Oh, yes I did. For Cura I added the script and added that as post processing script in Cura
Let’s see what Tom has to say…
Or @miklschmidt
Sounds good. Thank you!~
It's because postprocessing is bypassed. The postprocessor sets
.Can you share a print screen of the bypass variable?
Oh ok... here it is
These two variables were set based on recommendations by Helge
What was the problem being solved by setting those two vars?
Ah, using cura.
Is this a non-IDEX machine?
When I tried the print without these variables, I got an error message that the G-Code generator was not valid
Yes, non-IDEX
Yeah, cura is not supported. We have limited human resources to deal with different slicers, and cura didn't make the cut. You are best asking @miklschmidt (RatOS author/maintainer) if you want to discuss that.
Understood. Thanks for your time
What's this script btw?
That's the python script added to Cura to obtain the X0, X1, Y0, and Y1 coordinates from the G-Code for adaptive meshing. The RatOS documentation has all this info
Ah, I wasn't aware of this in the docs. Makes sense.
So I think you should be good to ignore the warning about FIRST_X/FIRST_Y.
Sounds good. I noticed the printer still did the adaptive meshing before starting the print, so I'm not too worried. Thanks again!