vminion x axis homing/ loud stepper

i got a problem with homing my printer after building it. i cant home x it just makes loud noises moves to the endstop and then continues moving the other way. i switched the xy joint plate 180 but that wont change anything bc the toolhead is colliding with it too. but that shoulndt change anything if i trigger the endstop before it hits it nothing changes
14 Replies
passive-yellowOP17mo ago
got the standard kit with dragonfly and skr....... and the regular endstops no sensorless homing
dependent-tan17mo ago
If you move the toolhead by hand to the x Motor, is it possible that the limit switch can trigger or did you collide with something??? Did you double check the wiring from the x Motor and tie ends top ? If you look at the Mainsail interface at the machine tab is a section end stop. Trigger the end stop and press the refresh button in this section. Then you can see if the MCU recognizes the end stop Tighten the belt and look if the toolhead moves smooth and free without any problems
passive-yellowOP17mo ago
The toolhead moves without any Problem when i Move it By Hand. I will recheck the Wiring i guess…. The toolhead collides with the xy joint bracket idk if its bc i use an old eva that was shipped with the Kit
dependent-tan17mo ago
It doesn’t matter if old Eva or new. Did you mount the x Motor cage correctly??? If you look from the front and the motor is to far in the left you hit with the toolhead the XZ joint. So please check this
passive-yellowOP17mo ago
The Motor Cage Hits the joint?
dependent-tan17mo ago
No if the cage is to far to the left the toolhead collided with the joint
passive-yellowOP17mo ago
Ah i See bc the endstop needs to Hit the Cage that makes Sense i thought u have to push it all the way tbh
dependent-tan17mo ago
So now you adjust the cage like in the description and retighten the belt.
passive-yellowOP17mo ago
it worked i had to move the cage so it wont hit the joint first ...... how can i close this thread ?
there isn't really a thing as "close a thread" on discord
dependent-tan17mo ago
And what is with the noise from the motor??? Did you fix the problem
miklschmidt17mo ago
That's a stepper wiring problem. Either wrong pin order or one or more bad crimps.
passive-yellowOP17mo ago
Ig it came from the wrong endstop thing it somehow Works i changed Nothing just rechecked the Wiring

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