
for some reason my printer will not home the Y axis. it moves an inch then stops. ive tried other drivers and wiring to no avail. any ideas would be appreciated
10 Replies
TheTik3w ago
Any errors? What printer? Does X and Z home fine? Please attach your debug.zip as requested in the pinned message.
moskeeter407OP3w ago
thats my log files. it homes x perfectly fine. it it bahaVES as though its right next to the endstop when it starts homing. like it moves a little and stops and moves a tiny bit more then stops altogether
TheTik3w ago
Is there a reason you didnt supply the requested file?
moskeeter407OP3w ago
not sure how to actually.
TheTik3w ago
You don't know where to find the debug.zip?
moskeeter407OP3w ago
i do but not how to get the whole file to upload. im still learning macos
TheTik3w ago
oh, is safari doing that stupid thing of auto-encompressing? In another of these help threads, someone said there is a setting in Safari for that
moskeeter407OP3w ago
usb c port broke off my board and my brain is fried from all this tedious work i think im going to put it down for a few days
TheTik3w ago
oof, thats hard to do. Maybe some hotglue strain relief next time?
moskeeter407OP3w ago
i can wire it via gpio but thats another day

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