Why this line?

I've been printing this cat iglo for a week now, it's never ending 😅 But I've learnt a lot about my VCore 3.1 400, but one this I can't figure out it why I get this layer bulging out at the same spot in every print. It always comes just after or at the last top fill layer. I'm using Orca 1.6.6 and have tried both Classic and Arachne mode. In the slicer there are no layers protruding like that.
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7 Replies
conscious-sapphire•2y ago
Maybe cooling changed at this line?
exotic-emerald•2y ago
That's quite common.. that's where filled solid layers stop. After that, the layer time is drastically reduced and there's less filament pushing from the inside, so you get a line there.. it's also known as the "benchy hull line" if you want something to google for. Hard to get rid of.
unwilling-turquoise•2y ago
PLA or ABS? With both filaments you either have too much filament sticking out on the lower layers or heating/cooling is warping that layer up and it gets pushed out by the next layer. Can you print a annex or voron test cube? Both prints have features that will help narrow down what element of the printing process is to blame for that bulge.
unwilling-turquoise•2y ago
Misc_Designs/3030_test_object/STL/Test cube logo 3030 75deg.STL at ...
Misc Designs that dont have a home. Contribute to Annex-Engineering/Misc_Designs development by creating an account on GitHub.
Voron-2/STLs/Test_Prints/Voron_Design_Cube_v7.stl at 3b4c0e4a4e8808...
Voron 2 CoreXY 3D Printer design. Contribute to VoronDesign/Voron-2 development by creating an account on GitHub.
unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
I'm printing in PLA. I tried changing to printing outer walls first and that actually made a significant difference. Here's a print of the Annex test cube.
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unwilling-turquoiseOP•2y ago
From another angle.
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unwilling-turquoise•2y ago
That’s great! If you want to tune further, this is what I’d adjust, in order: 1. E-steps and extrusion multiplier (the top surface appears slightly over extruded, I’d investigate) 2. Check belt tension and calibrate input shaper (significant ringing on the vertical surfaces) 3. Play around with perimeter count and extrusion widths if earlier extrusion tuning doesn’t get rid of dividing line on cat house print (solid infill might be too great, squishing out/overlap the side wall) Note the droopy overhang on the cube at the top, that’s likely a result of switching to external perimeter first as it doesn’t have the inner perimeter to grab onto and sags a little extra. That’s why I’d revert that setting and tune more but I’m a perfectionist, don’t be me. 🤪

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