end_print macro to move the bed to the very bottom?
Can someone help me modify end_print macro so it moves the bed to the very bottom?
11 Replies
I did something similar
In my slicer gcode I call PRESENT_PRINT and then I call END_PRINT
myKlipperFiles/vcore3-printer.cfg at main · jscancella/myKlipperFiles
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exotic-emerald•2y ago
So by editting this in the printer.cfg en dropping PRESENT_PRINT before the end_print gcode this will lower the printbed?
exotic-emerald•2y ago
@asychev what do you mean with this links, there is nothing about lowering the bed !
conscious-sapphire•2y ago
There is information how you can alter the behaviour of stock RatOS macroses
https://www.klipper3d.org/G-Codes.html should be helpful too
exotic-emerald•2y ago
Yes but nothing about lowering the bed with a variable height control , offcourse i kan srt it to 450 but when my print height is 470 the bed goes up and chrashed
conscious-sapphire•2y ago
There is no variable height, after homing the lower position is always the same
exotic-emerald•2y ago
So we got a macro that shows me te print on z-max -10, but how do i do it on your way?
Like asychev mentioned, you want to override the
macro. It says explicitly how to do that in the macro docs that he also linked to. https://os.ratrig.com/docs/configuration/macros/#user-macro-hooksConfiguring RatOS Macros | RatOS
RatOS comes with a bunch of flexible predefined macro's that can be customized via variables and macro hooks.
exotic-emerald•2y ago
Ok, but if my print is 490z high and i say you have to park @480 does it conpensate and say oh wait i can’t go there
conscious-sapphire•2y ago
It seems your understanding of printer kinematics is totally wrong. When nozzle touches bed - this is Z0. If you set Z100 - the distance between nozzle and bed become 100 by moving bed down (nozzle is stationary). If you print is 490 high then you can park toolhead only above it, so it can't be 480, only 490+
moves the bed to the very bottom - this means you have manually move bed down (which is relatively - move nozzle up) to the position you want it park - and it will become fixed number you have to move it every time after print is done in _USER_END_PRINT_PARK
manually move bed down - means: home printer, increase Z until bed is at bottom, move it back a little bit (like ~ 2mm) for safety, notice final Z value, use it in _USER_END_PRINT_PARK
if my print is 490z high and i say you have to park @480 - this means you want to park it at NOT very bottom
Hope this helps