Over temperature TMC2209 error even with replacement TMC2209

got a GSTAT error the other day. So swapped to higher flow fans on my BTT Octopus Pro 446. Ran two big prints without a problem. Last night, than again today got over temp errors again from stepper_y. IR temp sensor says yes, stepper driver _Y was definitely hotter than the rest (~55°C diff others at ~35°C... yes cooled a bit after shut-down after the error state that stopped the print) Checking the motors, Y was actually cooler to the touch than X. So examined the wiring. No detectable issues when ohm-ing them and jerking the connectors around (no opens or shorts). Same for the motors themselves. (ohming) the error didn't appear to show up in klipper.log (see attached) This is stock RatOS (not 2.0) high perf stepper configs, BTT TMC2209s with the larger heat sinks. I'd already backed down the motor currents to 1.5A well before ever getting this error. What I don't understand is it's the same Y stepper, even after replacing the TMC2209 in the socket on the BTT Octopus Pro 446 popping up this error. What should I start probing/looking at? Electrical is my bag to begin with so no problem digging deep into the hardware. (how do you attached a .cfg or log file to these posts) Ideas? suggestions? HELP!
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17 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3y ago
can you show a photo of the fan installation?
pteglerOP3y ago
fan positions were modded (from stock thingiverse mount) so the fans are centered right over the heat sinks
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pteglerOP3y ago
blocks around fans are foam mounts to try and quiet these fans (loudest ones on the printer) 24V 40x10s pretty high flow Y is on the right...dead center of the fan no less orig thingiverse design had the fans a bit more board centric to clear the connectors. I moved them down on this mount to maximize air flow over the heat sinks correction... motor currents are all at the default RatOS 1.6A not 1.5
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3y ago
i would put it a bit higher i have the exact same setup the y stepper is directly in the middle, in the eye of the storm, if you put the fans higher it should work like 1cm or so
pteglerOP3y ago
After the GSTAT errors a couple days ago...I'd reprinted this mount, moving the fans down thinking ALL would be in a better air flow stream. The 'stock' printable fan mount, I'd moded with little tiny 'deflectors' to move the air downwards a bit help get all three heat sinks in the air stream. (as the fans barely cover the width of three drivers. Now all three heat siks sit within the fan circle.
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3y ago
i use two 4010s on just 0.5 max power with this setup and it works perfectly for me
pteglerOP3y ago
Two prints went by (each using around 200 meters of filament) without an issuer. I swapped in a brand new TMC2209, got around half way through the raft print, and it stopped wit hthe displayed error Exactly! have at least 400 print hours with that orig fan setup, @ 1.6A without issue. So I though perhaps a register in one of the 2209s was flaky so put in a new one. But same issue. Now I'm wondering if some other software glitch or regiter issue is messing with my setup
Helge Keck
Helge Keck3y ago
with swapping cables and steppers you should be able to test if the board or one of the steppers has an issue
pteglerOP3y ago
yep...next trick was to simply swap cables at the board....will have to swap directions in code, to get something to run long enough to see if it heats again. on the X stepper
pteglerOP3y ago
got this far through the raft when it stopped this time
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pteglerOP3y ago
had printed two of these (way too fast) without issue
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pteglerOP3y ago
UPDATE ohmed out the cables and motors, even measured the inductance of the motors, then motors and wiring. . All was well. All were well in spec. I hooked up a little stepper driver test board I have (other projects piles of hardware) and just ran th steppers to-and-fro for about 15 minutes. No issues or skips. So I pulled out my differential thermocouple meter (x2 sensors can read each, or diff of the two) and placed them on the X and Y stepper heat sinks on the Octopus board, and fired it all back up. Before even homing, the Y TMC2209 started warming up faster than the others. after about three minutes the Y stepper driver was already 15°C warmer then X. ???? Steppers aren't even being driven! Went looking at my printer.cfg (and others) to try and understand what might be different between the driver configs. Was beginning to believe something in a register somewhere was messed up or a software file had been corrupted on the RPi card. (Klipper or RatOS support file) OK.... shut it all down. I'd had stealthchop_threshold set to 1 (since day one) which quiets the whine when idle. DOOOHL! I changed them all to zero. Yes the whine is back. BUT.... I'm now about half way through the raft of that big print, and BOTH heat sinks have only risen one degree at the maximum (might just be display rollover) after ten minutes of running!
now real-time... just finishing the first layer of the raft.... Y has risen 2 degrees, X only one. CRAP!!!!! just finished the lightweight second raft layer and the damn thing stopped again Y stepper heatsink says it's at 29°C (89°F) cooler than before but still crapped out on me!
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pteglerOP3y ago
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pteglerOP3y ago
pteglerOP3y ago
Do I need to reload RatOS to get the backgrounds setup? re-install Klipper? What the heck! Everything (according to the mainsail screen) is up to date
pteglerOP3y ago
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Jarodamus Prime
Jarodamus Prime7mo ago
If you suspect that it's one of the TMC boards do you think that there would be a problem with swapping a 1.2 out with a 1.3 version?

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