40x28 fan using Octopus 1.1, EBB36

I have a v-Core 3 I am building, with EVA 3, EBB36 toolboard and a 40x28 12V fan. The RatOS documentation on how to connect the 4028 fan doesn't have a section for EBB36, and it's the first time I am using one, therefore I would like to make sure I am doing things right. Several questions: 1. Which pin on the EBB36 would you advise to use for fan PWM wire connection? 2. Similarly, which pin should I use for the Tacho (client requests it)? 3. Do I first configure ratOS accordingly and then physically wire the connections, or is it OK to wire, boot, then configure? 4. (unrelated to the fan) USB connection or CAN connection for EBB36? Asking because there is no information about EBB36 in RatOS documentation.
17 Replies
8Complex3y ago
I am currently going through this myself... I am going to use the typical fan output (PA0) for PWM control, and I am planning to use the endstop plug's input for the tachometer input (PB7) (I haven't confirmed this, but it says "any general I/O input will work) It should be fine to wire and then configure (mine did not complain last night and I have it wired but not configured) USB is preferred over CAN, mikl has posted this quite a bit in this Discord if you want to search for his posts for explanations
war4peaceOP3y ago
Thank you; so VIN and ground from outside (two extra wires), PA0 for PWM and PB7 for tacho. I plan to use USB as well, but I need to buy a cable first (I have a few but they are not long enough).
8Complex3y ago
Yeah, the only question I have floating is whether or not PB7 is ok for the tacho, but I should be able to get some testing in on mine tonight/tomorrow when I get to some final setup
war4peaceOP3y ago
I am still at wiring part, currently wiring the Decoprobe, then I will wire the fan. I plan to connect everything on the workbench, test, then move all on the printer.
miklschmidt3y ago
1. negative fan terminal, like every other board. Everything in the 4028 guide applies to your toolboard as well. A toolboard is just another control board. 2. any free gpio port, you'd need manual configuration to use this. Leave it off. 3. Doesn't matter 4. USB (supported out of the box in v2.x), with automatic flashing etc. There's plenty documentation in the alpha docs: https://rat-os.vercel.app/docs/toolboards/btt/ebb-36-12 That said, i would recommend the 42, 36 has super awkward connector positioning and it's not saving any space.
war4peaceOP3y ago
@miklschmidt About point 1. I asked because the PWM wire goes to a dedicated PWM connector on Duet boards, which have dedicated 4-pin PWM connectors, meaning PWM config is easy, reads tacho out-of-the-box, etc. I assume you meant "like every other BTT board". Of course, the functionality might be the same, I'm just not (that) familiar with how BTT boards work in that regard. Better ask twice than burn some board once. As for BTT36 vs 42, the modified EBB36 holder part allows me to use long screws which go through the Orbiter 1.5 + motor mount and hold everything in place, using an EBB42 would require extensive modifications, and I'm simply at a point where more delays are unacceptable. Thank you for your replies!
miklschmidt3y ago
You can get control boards with 4-pin fan connectors as well, but your toolhead doesn't have that and the guide is for boards which don't have it.
"like every other BTT board"
No, there are quite a few BTT boards with 4-pin fan connectors now 🙂
miklschmidt3y ago
As for BTT36 vs 42, the modified EBB36 holder part allows me to use long screws which go through the Orbiter 1.5 + motor mount and hold everything in place, using an EBB42 would require extensive modifications, and I'm simply at a point where more delays are unacceptable.
This does too:
war4peaceOP3y ago
Thanks, I'll take a look.
war4peaceOP3y ago
I don't see how that fits on EVA... Here's the EBB36 adapter I use.
miklschmidt3y ago
It mounts to the back of a round nema14, such as the one that is used on the Orbiter 1.5, it requires 20 or 25mm m3 spacers
ambitious-aqua3y ago
Y’all make it sound like the ebb42 is a better option for ease of connectivity, I’m getting ready to wire an ebb36 that I have on hand, but don’t have a problem using a 42 if it’s a better option, would you suggest I ditch the 36 and go for a 42, if so, would it be with or without MAX? Would the adapter you posted a link for work with an orbiter 2.0?
war4peaceOP3y ago
All I can say is I have STLs for adapters for EBB36 for Orbiter 1.5 and 2.0, they fasten using 5 screws: the three ones in a triangle at the bottom to EVA and the other two directly to the NEMA14. It's rock solid. Indeed, there is some awkwardness with EBB36 and wiring connectors, especially the USB one, but it's not something I am particularly worried about. With that being said, I plan to use the EBB42 on the Rapido+LGX combo I have on my own V-Core 3 500, and possibly another EBB36 on the V-MiniON, although I have not decided whether a toolboard is worth installing on the v-MiniON.
miklschmidt3y ago
You don't need a MAX31865 unless you want to run a PT100 (which you have no need for). A PT1000 runs just fine as a regular thermistor. The 42 is much better for wire longevity. i'm running a 42 on an orbiter 2.0, with the adapter plate i posted. Works perfectly, including the accel readings. that said you can definitely run the 36, but there's a lot more strain on the connector, so you might either break the 36 or the cable. An angled usb connector should be better on the 36, but it's still not optimal as you have no proper strainrelief at the connector (this part is imperative).
Arthur_C2y ago
Any advise on the 24V Wire thickness? Would 2x0,75mm2 suffice?
Arthur_C2y ago
I've created this for the USB-Wire support issue: https://www.printables.com/model/425074-ebb36_v12-on-orbiter-20-eva3-usb-c
EBB36_V1.2 on Orbiter 2.0 EVA3 USB-C by Arthur_C | Download free S...
Mounting for the EBB36 V1.2 toolboard on the Orbiter 2.0 for EVA3 when used with USB-C cable for data. | Download free 3D printable STL models
miklschmidt2y ago
I would spec for 6+A, so i'd go with 18AWG / 2x1mm2 personally. This looks good! That thing ain't moving 👍

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