Very bad surface
hello everyone, I have a v core 500 and it is giving me a very bad surface, with any filament (pla and petg of different brands) I have accelerations of 3000 Max, adjust the PID and everything just in case and the temperature does not fluctuate, the speed is 60 outside and 90 inside
10 Replies
equal-aqua•2y ago
Have you tuned your belts? Pressure advance? Extrusion/flow percent? It could be a temp change. Does your heater ever change throttle significantly for significant periods of time during the print? Are you using a part cooling fan and if so what and how strong is it? Is your filament a consistent width/what manufacturer are you using?
Hello, I'm going to answer you in the same order haha.
I have tuned my bands as shown in the graph, it is the minimum tension before they start to touch the frame during the test, because other people told me that it was too tight but if I loosened them in the test it touched the frame, it is the best thing that I was able to do it after a while.
My pressure Advance is at .03 right where the corners are good
Gauge my flow printing a cube with 10 walls with .6 nozzle trying to intensify the variance because my vernier only shows .1mm and it gave me exactly 6mm
In question at the temperatures before nothing moved but I did PID tune anyway and printed the green part and during the process the temperatures stayed dead flat, I checked it because I saw that you asked the same thing in other problems when I was checking if there is a similar problem
For green which is PLA use 100% and for white PETG use 40%
I have an ender 3 with which I use those same filaments and it gives me a very good finish, for the PLA it is HATCHBOX and for the PETG it is PROTEJ PETG
equal-aqua•2y ago
looks 👌
ok great
Hatchbox is the best 👌
ok uh... running out of things it could be. What's fan speed like on your rig? Does your fan work? is there any play in the extruder and/or can the print head move around without the servos moving? IE is there any play in it?
if the belts are too loose this could be a problem with play in the print head
for checking for play, what I do is I grab both belts and press them against the back frame of the vcore, all with one hand. that way you're preventing both belts from moving. Then you grab the print head and you give it a good wiggle. A tiny amount of play is normal but if you can move it or it rattles you have a problem
you can also give the bed a good jiggle to see if it moves around.
I checked everything to make sure it was tight, but it got worse and a Y diamond pattern came out
equal-aqua•2y ago
Tbqh from the video that doesnt look too bad
Why will it be the diamond pattern in Y?
equal-aqua•2y ago
I can't be sure, but that looks to be "Ringing" or "Ghosting" which is caused by resonance in your machine. You'll need to use an accellerometer to fix it, there are tutorials for that.