probe deployed but error triggered

got a problem with an euclid probe that worked previously, it can't home as it return an error as if triggered or as if the probe wasn't attached so i checked the wiring (shitty dupond connector) redid it using hot glue so no wiggle and still the same as soon as it pick the euclid from the dock it trigger the security mode
3 Replies
lillianOP11mo ago
i redid the test with a male male adapter on each end (both are female plug) to retest the connection i got a good continuity along each one and the euclid is still good looking the soldring look fine and btw the exposed solder are isolated bye hot glue so nothing there i believe its a software kind of hell can some one pls give me an idea of the problem ? in doubt i re did all the wiring with new wire and plug it worked fine once and then back at it again so itshould be a hardware problem right? i unscrewed the euclid and removed the glue covering the solder everything is fine .... is the mother board bad? hi pls someone i am still stuck on this ... as said i redid the wiring integraly and it worked for a bit ":17:06 Probe triggered prior to movement 17:06 Probe triggered prior to movement 17:06 Probe triggered prior to movement 17:06 Probe triggered prior to movement 17:06 probe at 270.422,256.741 is z=4.090000 17:06 probe at 344.581,256.741 is z=4.164375 17:06 probe at 418.742,256.739 is z=4.229062 17:06 probe at 492.902,256.739 is z=4.249062 17:06 probe at 492.902,183.411 is z=4.258750 17:06 probe at 418.742,183.411 is z=4.231562 17:06 probe at 344.581,183.409 is z=4.132187 17:06 probe at 270.422,183.409 is z=4.067812 17:06 probe at 196.263,183.409 is z=4.075312 17:06 probe at 122.102,183.411 is z=4.260625 17:06 probe at 47.942,183.411 is z=4.066562 17:06 probe at 47.942,110.080 is z=4.227812 17:06 probe at 122.102,110.080 is z=4.195312 17:06 probe at 196.261,110.080 is z=4.153125 17:06 probe at 270.422,110.081 is z=4.130937 17:06 probe at 344.583,110.080 is z=4.187812 17:06 probe at 418.742,110.080 is z=4.247812 17:06 probe at 492.902,110.080 is z=4.293437 17:06 probe at 492.903,36.750 is z=4.177500 17:06 probe at 418.741,36.750 is z=4.095000 17:06 probe at 344.581,36.750 is z=4.020312 17:06 probe at 270.422,36.750 is z=3.964687 17:06 probe at 196.263,36.750 is z=4.039062 17:06 probe at 122.103,36.750 is z=4.097187 17:06 probe at 47.941,36.750 is z=4.169062 17:06 Probe batch mode enabled: already deployed" i don't understand how it could do like 20 probe point and fuck up like that
TheTik11mo ago
Sorry, my only issues with probe was me forgetting to put the build plate back after a print. Is the Euclid probe a contact or non-contact?
lillianOP11mo ago
it make contact each time yeah it is simply a detachable endstop that go click on the buildplate. i got a full probe run with no problem by extending the hignt on the travel move ( it was not touching) but whatever ....

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