1st print great, 2nd print cracking/seperation
Any ideas on what might be happening here?
1st print went great.
2nd print there was layer separation ~3/4 through the print.
The separation happened 10 layers after a bridging routine. I have a 4028 fan.
I thought I had it turned down but looks like not. it's running 100%. Does the excessive airflow and small part size cause the separation?
9 Replies
absent-sapphire•2y ago
May have been a clog that caused it to print "empty" for a layer or so.. if you are using an enclosure, are you keeping it open?
I'm not using an enclosure
it's open air in the garage
Similar outcome on another part
absent-sapphire•2y ago
Still looks like clogging to me. Too much retract or too weak heatsink cooling.
not sure if this helps but after the print, I was able to extrude filament without needing to take any steps to remove a clog
and another attempt with nozzle temp increased to 220°C was successful
ratty-blush•2y ago
A nozzle clog can be partial (a bit of filament or dirt that’s not completely blocking the exit) and extruding filament outside of a print might appear fine in spite of the presence of a clog.
Does this mean you were able to reprint the part successfully at 220 or that the nozzle extrudes freely at 220?
I would follow the “cold pull” instructions from the Prusa KB to clear the clog. I agree it might be a partial blockage.
Can you print a test cube as well? The standard features make troubleshooting easier.
ratty-blush•2y ago
Annex: https://github.com/Annex-Engineering/Misc_Designs/blob/e3fa169/3030_test_object/STL/Test%20cube%20logo%203030%2075deg.STL
Voron: https://github.com/VoronDesign/Voron-2/blob/3b4c0e4a4/STLs/Test_Prints/Voron_Design_Cube_v7.stl
Misc_Designs/3030_test_object/STL/Test cube logo 3030 75deg.STL at ...
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Voron-2/STLs/Test_Prints/Voron_Design_Cube_v7.stl at 3b4c0e4a4e8808...
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