XY-gantry (to) rigid

I have a nicely built RR VCore3.1-300. It could run a bit better however. Let me explain: If I mount the X-gantry to the Y-linear rails with the bolts slightly loose, the gantry (without the belts) runs super smooth to the front and the back. If I then tram the gantry to the frame and I tighten the screws and/or the bolts (connecting the XY-joiners to the Y-linear rails, see pic one and two) it almost feels like the carriages of the linear rails start to bind up. It feels like the Y-rails are slightly under an angle (see third pic, highly exaugurated). I did level out my whole printer and put a digital angle meter (protractor?) on it. I could find that the mounting plates have 0.1 degree variance to horizontal (this should not matter right? not taking into acount that a digital tool of 30 EUR can have this precision anyhow). I did try to correct this by loosening some frame bolts, rotating an tightening the 3030 extrusions again but this retightening brings back this same minor 0.1 degr. variation (on both the left and right side). And now to my question(s). - Do these bolts and screws need to be so tight? - It is all designed to be rigid mounted, and as such Statically indeterminate (Statisch onbepaald,... not sure if this translated to English as such). - What would happen if the mounting points of the X-axis where a hinge or a ball joint? would the printer then be sloppy and unprecise? - Are others also having this issue and what solutions are there? I now have to fuss about and use small pieces of paper between two screw (for instance the two of picture 4) and play around with tightness until it feels "OK" ("OK" is not the same as "good", b.t.w.). Looking forward to all your ideas and feedback.
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7 Replies
Arthur_COP14mo ago
Thanx, but that's not it! all is as square as can be... Never mind,... Ill solve it with shims,...
GRUB4D0S14mo ago
I had the same problem, This is caused by a bend x axis extrusion i think. So i just inserted a shim or two in between the two parts and tightened the screws
Arthur_COP14mo ago
Thanks for letting me know,... good to know that I am not the only one. It is just a bit fiddly, I think. I am not a designer but I wish I was so I could design it a bit more like a hinge
wayne14mo ago
Does this probelm causing you "unsquare" gaps on X-Axis Gantry Aligment guide?
Arthur_COP14mo ago
I have replaced the 2020 extrusion by 2 lineair rails and measured the outcomming 2020 extrusion... your suspicion is right. The X-axis extrusion is not straight. I NEVER thought that that would be the root-cause. As I was preparing for a cumbersome refit of the linear rails mod,... it was a bolt on with no issues and the Y-cariages run like they have never done before... Not sure if I fully understand you remark, but my squared in the XY plane have no issues.
GRUB4D0S14mo ago
Great that you fixed the problem. I think that twisted 2020 extrusions are quite common. I had 4 3d printers until now and 2 of them had a twisted 2020 extrusion on the x axis.

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