Manta M4P v2.2 / CB1 v2.2 - RatOS WIFI AP up only for seconds
Issue probably similar to
Does combination of M4P 2.2 and CB1 2.2 supported?
Fresh RatOS install, latest image. On the screen (HDMI connected) I can see OS boots and KlipperScreen starts up
18 Replies
As far as i know from talking to @blacksmithforlife this seems to be a random but reoccuring issue. I think there's some conflict with NetworkManager.
exotic-emeraldOP•2y ago
How I can help making this setup supported?
But yes it is supported, but you might need to set up the wifi manually
Set up the wifi manually, should be a guide in the CB1 documentation from BTT
exotic-emeraldOP•2y ago
BTW, docs say only M4P 1.0 supported
Oh i didn't see the 2.2 ... Yeah that probably won't work.
exotic-emeraldOP•2y ago
What kernel used in latest RatOS, probably not
Release V2.3.3 · bigtreetech/CB1
Fix dpkg warning bigtreetech/CB1-Kernel#6
Enable default bluetooth drivers for some users use USB bluetooth bigtreetech/CB1-Kernel#8
Optimize the ws2812 driver to solve the problem...
Not sure what the differences are between 1.0 and 2.2, but seems like quite a gap in version numbers, so slim chance it'll work.
exotic-emeraldOP•2y ago
If we interested to make it supported - I can provide any assistance, let me know please
Not sure 1.0 is still sells by BTT
yeah sure thing, if it's the same MCU we just need to correct the pin assignments (if different).
exotic-emeraldOP•2y ago
Looked yesterday into CB1 build and I think I know the root cause of Wifi Issue. I'll try to fix it (and some other mess) soon
@miklschmidt + Actually, 1.0 and 2.2 seems not very different. Please review and let me know if something missing.
Thank you! configuration merged, few changes needed to the docs (v2.1 instead of v2.2).
exotic-emeraldOP•2y ago
Cool. A bit confused about 2.1 request, should be some misunderstanding somewhere. My board is 2.2
The BTT documentation references v2.1, no v2.2 to be found
The M8P however has a v2.2
exotic-emeraldOP•2y ago
Correct, but I do believe there is no difference and I tested config on my 2.2. I raised the issue to clarify that, not sure it will be answered
Difference between v2.1 and v2.2 · Issue #25 · bigtreetech/Manta-M4P
Are there any significant difference between current v2.2 version and previous v2.1? In Hardware folder only 2.1 documentation available, can it be updated?
Ah gotcha, we'll go with 2.2 then
exotic-emeraldOP•2y ago
And PR you merged was also about 2.2
You're right yeah
I've resolved the 2.1 / 2.2 comments
So just the v1.0 vs v1.1 and i'll merge
exotic-emeraldOP•2y ago
Yep, silly typo fixed
Ups, not
Now it is 😉