adxl345 crashing the MCU

I have been trying to follow the RATOS wiring for the octopus max ez to wire in a adxl345. The printer works fine without the adxl but the MCU will not boot with it attached. what do i need to do the wire the ADXL into the RPi ? I have run into issue with trying to get the SPI bus to work for other things so if i can avoid it that works better
Solution: If you want to use the pi you should be able to follow the usual klipper guide for wiring and then add in your user overrides section ``` [include RatOS/boards/rpi/config.cfg] [include RatOS/boards/rpi/rpi-adxl345.cfg]...
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7 Replies
how did you wire the ADXL?
Clockwork Apocalypse
So i have 6 wires soldered into the spots inidcated on the RATOS page for the ez max, those run to plugs and attach to the ez max pins in the same diagram. I tried both the 3.3v and 5v pins and neither seem to work
Clockwork Apocalypse
This is currently set for the 5v pins
No description
blacksmithforlife If you want to use the pi you should be able to follow the usual klipper guide for wiring and then add in your user overrides section
[include RatOS/boards/rpi/config.cfg]
[include RatOS/boards/rpi/rpi-adxl345.cfg]
accel_chip: adxl345 rpi
[include RatOS/boards/rpi/config.cfg]
[include RatOS/boards/rpi/rpi-adxl345.cfg]
accel_chip: adxl345 rpi
Clockwork Apocalypse
awesome, im going to get the parts and test this over the weekend
Clockwork Apocalypse
that worked great! the only thing I ended up doing slightly differently is I was having a hard time getting the RPI adxl345 file in the right location so i just added the text to the override section and it all worked. I also switched over to some old cat6 cable for the wiring.

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