"Ripple" on bottom and top layers

I've searched for a few days, couldn't find any info on it, "bottom" layers and "top" layers have a ripple going on, during long solid infill extrusions. I've tweaked settings, checked to make sure nothing is loose, cleaned and lubed rails, checked belt tension, z offset, filament, etc. I'm completely stumped on this one, smaller surface area/shorter extrusions, it's not happening, atleast in a way that I've noticed. 50/50 shot that it'll cover itself up. This particular part is only a prototype for fitment/hole alignment so quality isn't as important, but for the final part, it will be. Any help is appreciated!
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13 Replies
ratty-blush•2y ago
I would say nozzle to close to the surface. Filament can't be pushed fully, this builds pressure inside the nozzle which then releases making layer inconsistent. Try to play with Z offset
wolfnachtOP•2y ago
during the first layer I tried backing it off a bit, I didn't show any improvement, I'll throw on a test print after this one finishes. the smooth side of this PEI sheet has been a bit of a nightmare for me. PETG didnt want to stick at all, until I slapped some hairspray down. Considering the horror stories I've hear with PEI and PETG, I guess I should feel lucky.
ratty-blush•2y ago
Define "a bit"? I would raise 0.05, maybe even 2 times. Also how you bed mesh looks like?
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
the smooth side of this PEI sheet has been a bit of a nightmare for me.
if you are talking the ratrig build plate there is no smooth side - that is just plain steel
wolfnachtOP•2y ago
I thought the ratrig build plate was double sided, the adhesion issue makes ALOT more sense then. I managed to destroy the textured side, and a nozzle, so I'm on the smooth side till I get a new textured plate. I'll run a full mesh here shortly, print finally finished up, I've been using the built in adaptive mesh.
blacksmithforlife•2y ago
nope, only comes with a textured pei
wolfnachtOP•2y ago
a bit being about 0.05-0.075 (dont remember exactly)
wolfnachtOP•2y ago
Overall bedmesh (despite the hump it prints fine
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wolfnachtOP•2y ago
this is from the print that ran last night. this is with bed heated and soaked for 10min
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magic-amber•16mo ago
I had a similar hump is my bed mesh, turned out to be a tiny piece of filament stuck between the pei sheet and the magnetic tape.
wolfnachtOP•15mo ago
I'll check it out. I had a major printer failure and I'm running off a new EVA lol. 🙃
oskar7122•15mo ago
I have something similar going on, i think it might be (in part) due to the EVA plastic flexing under the forces of the umbillical which moves the nozzle closer / further away from the bed by a "smidge", acceleration causing ripples when the umbillical keeps shaking.. Could be something simple like the base of the eva 3 thats lost rigidity for some reason (i printed it in asa, one of the first asa prints i did so might be sub-par quality). Might be that something in the eva is slightly cracked due to bad layer adhesion or something, maybe some screws just got lose or maybe its just a too heavy umbillical? Im gonna upgrade to the new aluminium ratrig toolhead, add toolboard and try to decrease cable weight as much as possible to decrease this effect.
wolfnachtOP•14mo ago
Oooo never thought of that, mine is definitely heavy that's for sure. I'm looking at running x/y chains for mine and the only thing "free" will be the Bowden tube. Currently getting parts together to repair mine... my failure is worse than I thought...

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