X and Y endstops doesn't react
Hi, I've just built my first Klipper printer and I've got problem gettin X and Y endstops to work. When i klick them they light up but there is no reaction in Klipper. I'm new in Klipper and RatOS.
6 Replies
When i klick them they light up but there is no reaction in Klipperas in while holding one of them down you click the check endstop state button in the machine tab?
statutory-emeraldOP•2y ago
looks like you re-wired the MCU side connector in one of the photos. Not sure which one is current, but one of them is incorrect and could have fried your endstop port
statutory-emeraldOP•2y ago
i've deleted that image, now it looks like on pictures, how can i chack if my endstop port is fired?
and if it is fried is it one port or whole 6 ports near it?
I think you can disconnect your wiring and manually jump the logic pin and ground, and then use the mainsail interface again to check for state change with the jumper on and off
hopefully just the one, but it could be more
statutory-emeraldOP•2y ago
ok endstops are fried
thanks for help