I have a v-minion which has printed flawlessly until I started printing ASA - layer shift
Could this bee a need to adjust the probe (hitting on piece) or extra z-hop? The belts are fine. My kit is fabreeko and besides input shaping and the basics like PID, it's stock.
3 Replies
Also, this has been happening in a heated chamber. My perfect prints, even with small ASA objects, were without an enclosure.
metropolitan-bronze•2y ago
What temperature? Did you tune PA for your ASA? What cooling are you running? Looks like slicer settings to me rather than hardware. Especially if other filaments are fine.
Thanks. 260 degrees for ASA. I've been using Orcaslicer. I also recently switched to a .6 nozzle (trianglelab).
no, haven't tuned PA for the ASA yet. I'd been printing fine without doing it.