RatOs v2.1 Auto inserting [probe]

I am running RatOs v2.1 on my VC3 300. I am also using BTT Eddy with the forked version of klipper. Now I have everything running nice with the exception of one thing. To get Eddy to run I have to comment out the [probe] section in RatOs.cfg. While this works when up and running, as soon as I cold boot the next time, the [probe] section is uncommented. Having spoke to Mikkel, I know the RatOs.cfg cannot be saved permenantly. With this in mind, I created a BTT Eddy.cfg file with the /dev/serial/by-id/ in there and some other bits and bobs, to choose during the setup process, but I still get a [probe] section in the RatOs.cfg file. Is there a way to stop the [probe] section being inserted into the RatOs.cfg file. I can just comment out on each boot, but thats a tad annoying. Any help greatly appreciated.
6 Replies
miklschmidt4w ago
There's currently no way to use unsupported probes that doesn't use [probe] (stowable and static), [beacon] or [bltouch]. It's a limitation of the more advanced macros and config generation in 2.1. There are possible ways to opt out that we could consider implementing, but due to a large part of the macro logic being dependent on the probe type, it'll take quite a bit of overriding to get everything behaving as it should with an unsupported probe type. Actually supporting the eddy is also an option, but they need to get the software sorted at minimum before i'll consider it - it's not fully baked yet, not production ready.
Seg4w ago
Thank you. I will keep my setup how it is for now then as it is running pretty good. Must say, I am really enjoying v2.1 so far, beside the probe. Thanks and keep up the good work.
fredz6d ago
Could you share with me how you implemented eddy in your config? I have one with an EBB36 can
MDFPereira6d ago
Do you have eddy or eddy coil? The coil does not work as a Z endstop so you need anything else doing that… As far as I know, Eddy CAN was not released yet
fredz6d ago
I have the coil
MDFPereira6d ago
Be careful… the coil does not work as Z endstop. It will not stop…
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