RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
Created by Seg on 6/8/2024 in #ratos-support
RatOs v2.1 Auto inserting [probe]
I am running RatOs v2.1 on my VC3 300. I am also using BTT Eddy with the forked version of klipper. Now I have everything running nice with the exception of one thing. To get Eddy to run I have to comment out the [probe] section in RatOs.cfg. While this works when up and running, as soon as I cold boot the next time, the [probe] section is uncommented. Having spoke to Mikkel, I know the RatOs.cfg cannot be saved permenantly. With this in mind, I created a BTT Eddy.cfg file with the /dev/serial/by-id/ in there and some other bits and bobs, to choose during the setup process, but I still get a [probe] section in the RatOs.cfg file. Is there a way to stop the [probe] section being inserted into the RatOs.cfg file. I can just comment out on each boot, but thats a tad annoying. Any help greatly appreciated.
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