CB1+M4P RatOS, how to install?

Ive never installed anything on a board before. Literally just learning. I am trying to figure out why I cant get RatOS onto my boards. I am following the raspberry pi instructions but have not been able to get it to work for the CB1. (cant find instructions for the cb1).
16 Replies
like-goldOP2y ago
More info, I am building a voron 0 right now but wanted to use RatOS since its supposedly an "easy" to set up way to do this. I see the cb1/m4p board are now supported so I was going to go that route.
They have experimental support, so you may run into some issues. I don't have the m4p but I image it is similar to the m8p where there are two SD card slots, one for the cb1 and 1 for the m4p. You use balena etcher to install the image onto a SD card and then install that into the SD slot for the cb1. Then follow the ratos documentation as normal
like-goldOP2y ago
to confirm, the micro sd slot is for the cb1? I have a full size and a micro size
Ok. I just read the user manual, looks like the m4p is different. You have to install different software so that you can flash the cb1 emmc memory instead of using a SD card like on the m8p. See section 4.3.2 of the btt manual
like-goldOP2y ago
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like-goldOP2y ago
ive done all the stept up to launching rpiboot but I still cant see the cb1 The hardware side of stuff and electrical side of stuff wasn't what worried me. I SUCK when it comes to code and stuff and was worried this would give me a tough time. I have tried to re seat the cb1, tried power cycling it, all the different usb ports and a few different cables on my pc. Ill keep looking at forums to see if I can try something else
like-goldOP2y ago
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like-goldOP2y ago
after a lot of playing around, looks like I might have gotten standard klipper working on this? will test update, got ratOS working, had to try about 9 times doing the same thing but it eventually worked *used micro SD card
interesting. So then how do you flash the MCU?
like-goldOP2y ago
I got the CB1 working with the RatOS configuration. Whe messing around with that, RatOS on the cb1 had me elect which board I am using. I selected the m4p and it gave me firmware to load onto the full size SD card Loaded that, plugged it in, and it's all working so far
ok cool, glad it is working. I did most of the work on getting the CB1 image to work so let me know if you run into any issues
like-goldOP2y ago
Awesome, thank you for the help so far! I'll have to finish wiring the printer over the next day or two and then will see if the board is fully working as intended. Of course I've never used kipper or even doing any work with narlin so this will be an adventure figuring out
You'll get there, plus there is this awesome discord to help
like-goldOP2y ago
One question about the manta boards, couldn't find the info ajd can't try this until later tonight. Do you have to keep the SD card in the board or can it be removed? I would like to use the card for my camera equipment but can sacrifice it if needed. I'm assuming the micro SD card has to stay in for the CB1 though
generally once you flash the manta board you can remove it. The CB1 will continue to need the SD card
like-goldOP2y ago
Thank you, I used one of my nicer cards on the manta and would like to recover it and use for other projects/equipment

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