Extruder heater continues heating past target temp
I set it to 60C, it starts 100% and quickly drops state to 0%. At 70C I turn it off (and luckily it does).
It seems the temp sensor works fine, its just that it continues to heat at full force and its no longer being controlled properly.
What could be the issue with this?
8 Replies
ps. its connected to ebb42 toolboard.
I checked wiring its good
why 60 degrees? That is pretty low for a hotend. Might be the PID is tuned badly and so it is overshooting a lot
because I was getting the error heater not heating at the expected rate. So im testing
sorry forgot to mention that 😄
print failed
silly question, have you done a PID tune recently?
genetic-orange•2y ago
Did you do a PID tuning? Completely wrong values will cause huge overshoots
something is weird, it started working again
but I dont trust it haha
sounds like wiring whenever something doesn't work but then does again
yeh but its controlled through the heater power output, theres not sensor wires involved
unless Im chasing a wild goose and it was actually my temp sensor that caused the failure and the 10C above was just overshoot
at 100C overshoot is only a few degrees and it works fine, maybe I just tested too low at 60C
I kind of paniced when I saw the 10C overshoot haha