Bed adhesion and warping issues

Whilst my V-Core 3.1 400 has had many issues so far (mostly motor mount/belt related) I have achieved many successful prints - although now I have a new one. I'm trying to print some benchys but nothing is staying on the plate. It sticks initially, but then about 10 mins (or 1cm Z) into the print, it warps so far that it loses adhesion and completely detaches. I've tried this print probably 7 or 8 times now, with varied materials and settings. Any help would be appreciated - thank you! Things I have tried: - PLA, PETG, ABS - added 4mm brim - heatsoaking bed at temp for 20 mins to ensure bed temp + warm environment - confirmed bed offset, and tried slightly lower - cleaned build surface with 99% IPA
6 Replies
elco3y ago
I don't see cleaned with dish soap in your list
quickest-silver3y ago
Yeah clean the PEI sheet with hot soapy water first, and then rinse (with hot water) and then dry it with a lint-free cloth/maybe some IPA. IPA just pushes oils around it doesn't actually remove them very well, so hot soapy water + rinsing actually gets them off the bed. Also double check your first layer again to make sure you're not too low to the bed and that your print head is just smashing into it. And double check you don't have little loose strands of plastic still stuck to the nozzle when you start the print, as that often gets caught on a later pass and then it pulls on the print. Also pictures of what the print is might help.
adverse-sapphireOP3y ago
Apologies - washed with dish soap in hot water should have been on the list! the print is a standard benchy I have since managed to print a full benchy (was PLA) although still the base warped a decent amount
I found on my smooth pei I had to sand with 2000 grit sandpaper to give the plastic something to grip.
drops3y ago
Try lowering your fan speed, usually PLA I do 60% when printing over 100mms and around 30% for ASA. Additionally try increasing the height when the fan starts, or try printing faster. If your printing slow with a high fan then that might also cause an issue.
eastern-cyan3y ago
I know people are going to disagree and say that it’s not necessary.. but if I’m printing using most of the build plate or something prone to warping (long skinny prints) I’ll use glue stick.. I spread it around and let it dry on the heated plate then I’ll take a rag with warm water and let it “melt” the glue stick and then rub it all over the plate so it’s like a glue stick slurry.. works 99% of the time.. I’ll just keep using the rag method until the original glue sticks basically gets washed off..
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