Messy Y graphs

Looking for guidance on where to look next on a VC4 500 IDEX. Y belts are the exact same length and same number of teeth. Belt tension meter (the PFMakes printed version) shows repeatably similar tension between all the belts. Cables and wires on the tool heads are zip tied in multiple locations to minimize any issues. I have double checked hardware was tight. I removed the decorative corner bracket covers on the front because they were loose. Despite all that, my Y graphs are a complete mess and honestly the whole machine resonates on the Y test. Any guidance is appreciated. Thanks.
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7 Replies
GeoQerOP2w ago
So I took a leap of faith that it was carriage binding. Loosened the right Y rail, both Y carriage plates, and all the T nuts to the X beam. Idler/tensioners were unequal distance from the rail, so I made them equal and let out belt on one side until the Y carriages were equal distant from the rail and then tightened everything back up. Now relative belt tension graphs are having me adjust the belts to where the Y carriages are uneven again and actual belt tensions are very different. Gonna try to loosen everything and even the idlers and belts again.
Luggi2w ago
Did you find the cause of the 125hz Peak on the Y-Axis on the belt tension graph? Mine looks litirally the same
GeoQerOP2w ago
I haven’t run the belt tension again, but it sounded like the bearings in the y carriages, so I removed them and packed as much grease as I could into them. Evidently I didn’t do it good enough the first time. It got rid of the peak on the shaper graph, but it is still a mess. Shortening wires on the tool head now. Should be running another test in a few hours.
Luggi4d ago
So greasing the rails helped?
GeoQerOPthis hour
It did a bit. Still noisy, but I can’t find the culprit and boss wanted to get parts made, so I just slowed down accel to 4K and it is working.
ApocalypsesDawn21h ago
Your 1st belt tension graph looks weird (the one with two peaks Y). Alot diff then mine. That might have something to do with it. My IS isn't good but its better than yours almost double the recommended.
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Luggi21h ago
Exact same Situation here. Sold parts that only fit on the vc4😂

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