VC4 errors with Orbiter O2 toolboard

I'm having some trouble getting the Orbiter O2 toolboard to work on my VC4 300 Hybrid. Ordered kit from Ratrig but using an Octopus Pro 723 V1.1, Rpi4, Beacon H, and Orbiter toolboard. I'm able to see all deviced over USB and have flashed them to the latest firmware, started on RC2.1. I'm not sure all the pin names are defined correctly, may have a hotend fan and heater pin mixed up. However, I get the following error "unknown pin chip name '!toolboard_t0'" I've been looking into this for a couple weeks and have been unsuccessful. I've had another discussion in the Fix My Printer channel. Any assistance on this would be greatly appreciated!
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73 Replies
chicken7mo ago
post your debug here as well incase folks dont see it in the other thread
chicken7mo ago
@miklschmidt if you get a minute could you look at this for @ecowans I was looking at it with him last night for a bit and didnt see anything out of place, but I dont know the orbiter toolboard at all and could not figure it out. At first, in his other thread he originally started in the fix printer channel before I asked him to move it here, he was getting duplicate pin errors. He had built his configuration initially with an unpatched RC1 build, if I remember correctly before he updated everything in RatOS. He was running the latest RC2 as of last night and I had him walk through the configurator again so it would be built with the latest templates and now he is getting unknown pin chip name. Thanks!
ecowansOP7mo ago
Happy to help actively test and look into things, i've yet to find someone also using it on the VC4 and it is a nice tool board. I was an early bird VC4 backer and have yet to have it operational, been trying at this for a couple weeks but it isn't my strong suit.
chicken7mo ago
I looked at the config again and I am sure I am missing something but I don’t see it. Hopefully someone here will have some ideas
miklschmidt7mo ago
Sorry i forgot this! Looking into it now RatOS.cfg is missing from your debug zip The issue is this:
[lis2dw toolboard_t0]
axes_map: x, z, y # Assumes back-facing vertical toolboard mounting
cs_pin: !toolboard_t0:PA4
spi_software_mosi_pin: toolboard_t0:PA7
spi_software_miso_pin: toolboard_t0:PA6
spi_software_sclk_pin: toolboard_t0:PA5
[lis2dw toolboard_t0]
axes_map: x, z, y # Assumes back-facing vertical toolboard mounting
cs_pin: !toolboard_t0:PA4
spi_software_mosi_pin: toolboard_t0:PA7
spi_software_miso_pin: toolboard_t0:PA6
spi_software_sclk_pin: toolboard_t0:PA5
I don't believe the cs_pin can be inverted, not sure why it gets generated like that, just a sec. @ecowans @chicken fix pushed, sorry it took me this long!! Problem should go away if you update RatOS through the Update Manager on the Mainsail Machine page.
ecowansOP7mo ago
No worries, I’ll look into it this morning. Thank you @miklschmidt ! Ok, so that fixed the !toolboard_t0" error but now i get PA2 used multiple times in config error. I believe this is due to the RatOS.cfg [temperature_sensor hotend_power_draw] section, resolves with changing "sensor_pin: PA2" to "sensor_pin: toolboard_t0:PA2". PA2 is also the enable pin on stepper y1. Then i get PA10 used multiple times in config. I believe the section [output_pin hotend_power] should be PA0 instead of PA10 (PA10 references the hot end fan). However, PA0 is also used under the [extruder] section to assign the heater_pin. This results in a PA0 used multiple times in config error. Not sure how to resolve this one. I also noticed further down in the fan section of RatOS.cfg, the [fan], referring to part cooling fan, should go from "pin: !toolboard_t0:PA1" to "pin: toolboard_t0:PA10" I get a "shutdown value must be 0.0 or 1.0 on soft pwm" error prior to addressing the PA0 error
miklschmidt7mo ago
let me see
PA2 is also the enable pin on stepper y1.
It's missing a prefix, will get that fixed. Testing the fixes... Should be ready shortly. @ecowans Fixes are ready to update in 10 minutes (it's compiling) 🙂 It should solve all the bugs you highlighted. I'm not sure why the testers haven't encountered these.. Not a lot of testing i assume 😂
ecowansOP7mo ago
Sounds great, I’ll give it a go at lunch. I appreciate your support!
ecowansOP7mo ago
Ahh right, changed to the O2_RUN_LED. I'm still getting the "shutdown value error" unfortunately.
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ecowansOP7mo ago
Referencing the OrbitoolO2.cfg (provided by Robert Lorincz), i added the shutdown speed definitions to the fan profiles. This seems to have resolved the shutdown value error but now i get that my version of klipper is -dirty and i've been unable to resolve this.
ecowansOP7mo ago
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miklschmidt7mo ago
God dangit, fixing 😂 wait "spi_set_software_bus".... where the heck is that coming from
now i get that my version of klipper is -dirty and i've been unable to resolve this.
That's not the error (it just means there are extensions installed) The problem is something is calling a bad command, attempting to set spi bus while running software SPI, which is not a thing..
ecowansOP7mo ago
No idea, I haven’t found that command in other includes…
miklschmidt7mo ago
your klipper is way ahead of the pinned commit as well This might be a problem it should be at 208 you're almost 80 commits ahead look for spi_bus in your config, it shouldn't be there if there are spi_software_*_pin defined as well in the same section A new debug zip would be helpful
ecowansOP7mo ago
Hmmm, let me take a look and generate a new debug…
ecowansOP7mo ago
too bleeding edge? 😅 how would i revert back to 208? I could reformat my microSD with RC2 and reflash my boards from there perhaps
miklschmidt7mo ago
I'm thinking this may be a byproduct of the image compilation process, and in that case everyone on RC2 is running 288, so it's probably fine. And another thing i need to fix before it causes problems 😂 Would probably just put you right back where you are
ecowansOP7mo ago
i kinda figured, I haven't tweaked much after the fresh install, it seems like we're heading in the right direction. No idea where spi_bus anything is mentioned
miklschmidt7mo ago
So the last error you got is because of a thermistor issue as far as i can tell you're getting an "ADC" error
ecowansOP7mo ago
ahh ok, let me check the hardware...
miklschmidt7mo ago
MCU 'mcu' shutdown: ADC out of range The shutdown_value issue should be fixed now
ecowansOP7mo ago
hoping i don't have a bad thermistor, i had to terminate the wires from the Rapido for the connector, the braiding doesn't help but it seems secure and correct, assuming polarity doesn't matter reading 1.089 kOhms at room temp... added the pullup_resistor = 2200 to the extruder section under the PT1000 setting, no change. saw default for klipper is 4700 but OrbitoolO2 board is 2200ohms.
miklschmidt7mo ago
seems about right It seems to be the bed at least it's coming from mcu can't find the actual temps anywhere in the log, try this:
min_temp: -255
max_temp: 255

min_temp: -255
max_temp: 500
min_temp: -255
max_temp: 255

min_temp: -255
max_temp: 500
That'll stop the error
ecowansOP7mo ago
Hmm, I’ll check that too, interesting
miklschmidt7mo ago
Fixed the pullup
ecowansOP7mo ago
added to the printer.cfg, same error. I'll check other connections too. Bed thermistor is measuring about 109kohms i had the bed thermistor plugged into the T0 slot (second counting from bottom as described in the build instructions) but the .cfg seems to configure it for pin PF3 which would be conn TB. I switched the connection but same error...
miklschmidt7mo ago
even after FIRMWARE_RESTART ? Did you add the min/max temp at the bottom of printer.cfg or somewhere else? Also, which error, if it's not MCU 'mcu' shutdown: ADC out of range we're dealing with something else. I'm wondering if this could be caused by an outdated beacon - it doesn't get flashed if it's not connected when you update RatOS or Beacon through the update manager. You can flash it by going to the configurator and selecting "Flash beacon firmware" from the help menu in the upper right corner.
ecowansOP7mo ago
I put the temp limits in the bottom of printer.cfg.
ecowansOP7mo ago
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ecowansOP7mo ago
I think beacon is up to date
ecowansOP7mo ago
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ecowansOP7mo ago
yeah, i've yet to see the actual ADC is out of range error come up
miklschmidt7mo ago
this is really odd but i'm fairly sure that last part of the error is the problem, and for some reason it generates the wrong error Oooh... It's probably the firmware config
ecowansOP7mo ago
miklschmidt7mo ago
wtf, clearly this wasn't tested software_spi is disabled in the firmware config no wonder the command is unknown hardware spi for lis2dw it is @ecowans update the RatOS package should solve the error jesus, i'm sorry
ecowansOP7mo ago
no worries! as i understand, it's best to do the RatOS updates if available prior to any other updates?
miklschmidt7mo ago
ecowansOP7mo ago
I believe that did it! Thank you @miklschmidt I appreciate your help and look forward to using it! My wife was getting concerned lol This overall helped me to better understand the printer software and how it's all set up, i must have had the thermistor in the wrong conn also. Have a great evening!
miklschmidt7mo ago
Tell her it's my bad and i'm sorry 😂 You too man, glad it's working 🙂 Now the next guy is going to have a much less confusing time 😅
chicken7mo ago
nice work mikl! I was really confused looking at this with ecowans
ecowansOP7mo ago
Thanks for your help also @chicken ! Glad I can count on this community for assistance.
BulMaster6mo ago
I will revive this thread 😛 as i am running in the same shutdown value nonsense shutdown value must be 0.0 or 1.0 on soft pwm @miklschmidt ok i figured it out, the autogenerate ratos.cfg has a section [fan] max_power: 0.995 shutdown_speed: 0.0 disabling this fixes the error. There is no pin associated with this fan
miklschmidt6mo ago
There is, it's the part cooling fan, comes later klipper sections are merged
BulMaster6mo ago
my part cooling fan is hooked to the board not the toolboard now if i can i can figure out why my hotend thermistor is showing 5707422.564 C that be great
miklschmidt6mo ago
Yeah i have no way to check for that in these "custom sections" needed by this board. Either way, those two lines does not prevent you from running the fan on your control board It'll just have max_power: 0.995 and shutdown_speed: 0.0 Which doesn't actually change much in practice.
BulMaster6mo ago
nope, but they generate the error shutdown value must be 0.0 or 1.0 on soft pwm
miklschmidt6mo ago
Can i see the actual error and a debug zip? Because, it is 0.0 😂
BulMaster6mo ago
while i do that any tips how to fix the thermistor issue?
miklschmidt6mo ago
"the thermistor issue"?
BulMaster6mo ago
adc out of range 50000000C 😛 on the toolboard
miklschmidt6mo ago
which port? And do you have a thermistor connected?
BulMaster6mo ago
Sensor 'extruder' temperature 65707422.564 not in range -255.000:500.000 gosh i am stupid if i didnt put in the correct one
miklschmidt6mo ago
Probably just a bad thermistor configuration (pick the right one in the configurator)
BulMaster6mo ago
let me check whers the generate debug zip agian?
miklschmidt6mo ago
it's in the sidebar in the configurator on /configure
BulMaster6mo ago
thx sorry part cooling fan is driving me crazy
BulMaster6mo ago
mind you i just reinstalled everything so it's a fresh install seems the thermistor is dead
miklschmidt6mo ago
Did you remember to refresh the update manager and update everything?
BulMaster6mo ago
miklschmidt6mo ago
This is corrupt That .ds7wiehfwo. part is suspicious. Looks like an incomplete download.
BulMaster6mo ago
opens fine here
miklschmidt6mo ago
Not the file you sent me try downloading it 😄 Ratos doesn't add that suffix.. .. no nonsense in the middle
BulMaster6mo ago
it just hangs at downloading but the file is full let me reboot the pi
miklschmidt6mo ago
That's a problem on the device you're accessing the configurator with.
BulMaster6mo ago
well my desktop failed, my iphone too. let me try the laptop no luck on my mac either 😛
BulMaster6mo ago
Sorry, the issue is the same as the OP of the thread and didn't want to make a new one
Sometimes things can appear to be the same as another but are different. Also trying to troubleshoot two people at once just makes for more confusion. Thus, the rule of having your own post

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