Config Question

OK, I'm back. Printer is awesome BTW. The Question: where can I check the z-offset is saved
So when I start a print the z-offset is a bit low. I make the adjustment live click Save and it gives the nice message to save the config when the print is done. Print Finishes I click Save Config, it does its thing, restarts etc. Next Print.... Same thing. I have to raise the z-offset to keep the nozzle from scraping the other layers... Because, after the prob calibration it saves that information to to the printer.cfg which includes a calculated z-offset from what I understand. #fix-my-printer
5 Replies
upload your printer.cfg I suspect it is either something is weird about your config and so the save isn't working properly, OR it is the gantry bowing from heat
protestant-coral3y ago
It would sure take a lot of heat to get this gantry to bow. But I did check it is no ways near hot. Adding the config file.
protestant-coral3y ago
Ohh this is a minion Your config looks ok. z_offset = 0.545 if it happens again, check and see if it changes this value to something else, that way you know if it is a saving issue or something else
protestant-coral3y ago
Yeah, sorry, failed to mention im working with the little guy.

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