variable_adaptive_mesh fault with Bl-Touch

Hello. I want to use the "variable_adaptive_mesh" setting. I have a vcore v3.1 500 encloser printer and it has BL-Touch on it. The accuracy result of my BL-Touch is as follows: "probe accuracy results: maximum 1.860625, minimum 1.787187, range 0.073438, average 1.824437, median 1.825000, standard deviation 0.024391" I organized all my files. I leave my cfg file below, you can check it out. When I start printing, after making the adaptive mesh, I get this error when printing starts and I couldn't find the reason for it. Can you help me? ERROR: "Error evaluating 'gcode_macro ADD_PRIME_PROBE_TO_OFFSET:gcode': gcode.CommandError: Abnormal probe offset detected. Needed offset of {adjustment} is below the offset threshold of -1mm. Please verify the probe is over the bed when probing for priming. If it isn't, you should adjust you min/max bed_mesh settings so the probe is always over the print area."
I was using a BL-Touch clone. I replaced it with micro-probe and my problem was solved.
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1 Reply
mavi - ilezirabbit
I was using a BL-Touch clone. I replaced it with micro-probe and my problem was solved.

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