IDEX Mirror "Move Out of Range"
Have ran into this three times now. Print will start successfully before running into a "Move out of Range" error on the first layer even though there is still a decent chunk of room left between the heads.
I have followed the EndStop Calibration as described in the comissioning guide exactly, and even ran a VAOC calibration before the print.
I tested with IDEX COPY and that worked, however I need mirror for these parts.
IDEX Mirror also failed on a previous print (different model) that was 0.30mm below the size limit, however I assumed I was just too close. Potentially related.
Attached is the Debug zip from the most recent failed print. As well a short video, hopefully you all can help! Love the printer.
58 Replies
please post your file
@Helge Keck it's above the video here, I can re-upload if it's not visible!
yes, your print slightly too big for mirror mode
it stopped to avoid the toolheads from crashing into each other
you can use the autocenter feature to make sure the print is 100% centered
one sec
maybe your print wasnt 100% centered
I agree that's probably the issue and prusaslicer has a weird auto-arranging that may not center properly.
I will give that a shot and report back tonight. Thank you so much for taking a look!
yes, they even removed the autocenter feature recently
Still running into the same issue, even though the print is below the 172.5mm limit
can you post the used gcode file please
one sec
can you please download the gcode from the frontend
I cleared the files earlier today to see if there was a corrupted one on there, it uploads the same and produces the same error. I have it cleared again but I can upload and then redownload now for you?
Sorry I know that's a little confusing
yes, if you start a print, the file gets changed by ratos. i need that file
just a sec
please start to print it, so it gets post processed
you caan cancle the print immediatly
i have found the issue
one sec
MAX_X - MIN_X = 153,697 (object printsize in x)
153,697 * 2 = 307,394 (mirror mode print size in x)
307,394 - 55 (safe distance) = 252,394
so your print is 2.394 mm to wide for mirror mode
based on that image, jsut replace the parts slightly and it will work
you subtractedyes you need to it returns then the used x-size of the actual print. then you multiply it by 2
so, following your math.
307.394mm -55mm = 252.394mm
You said that as I'm 2.394mm too wide for mirror, 250mm is my usable max width per mirror part. x2 that gives 500mm? With a 400mm bed that still is confusing...
oh its a 400
maybe i fucked up
one sec
just had my first coffe, its morning time here
you almost had me pull solidworks out to make sure im not crazy
this is also weird bc ratos should actually inform you if the part is too big
RatOs has informed me before, when it was above "172.5mm"
which, on a 400mm bed, subtracting the 55mm safe space and dividing by 2 seems correct
let me think
so this was the error move
if i now add 27.5 to it, 50% of the safe distance, then its indeed over 200, which leads to that error
i wondering why ratos didnt told you that in mirror mode, there is probably a bug in the calculation
will check that
Ok now that makes sense. What doesnt make sense in that case is why would it want to move that way on a 154mm width part?
there is probably a bug in the mirror mode calculation that places both toolheads on a wrong position
ah gotchya
meaing they could be more apart for example
it almost looks like in your video that the print doesnt really start at the edges of the print plate, more moved slightly inside the build palte
My video was taken before you gave me the centering variable, however, it still fails with that True
Failed in the same spot as well.
plenty of room on the sides of the build plate in both tests
i will have a quick look, one sec
take your time. let me know what else I can provide if any.
oh yeah, i see the bug
i did not take the toolhead safe distance into account
give me a sec
can you please include this file from your printer.cfg
handle with care please!
- include file
- restart klipper
- home printer
- switch to mirror mode
after that please check if the toolehads are still centered, meaning same distance to both sides
then try to move them in x direction to see if its still work
if yes try to print
Do you have a sample code for what to put into printer.cfg to include it?
Will follow rest of procedure tomorrow and report back. 2am is bedtime 😁
thank you so much!
copy file to the folder where your printer.cfg is lcoated
then add this to your
for the test, move to X0 and check if both toolheads are at the edge of the build plate
then move to X200
well, 172,5
however, i dont have an idex printer here to test it properly. it might still need some adjustments. made this out of my head here.
so if its not working jsut ping one of the ratos guys here and they will fix it for you
After homing, restarting klipper, homing, then switching to mirror I end up with this
Position manually moving the heads together
Position moving toolhead to edge of build surface
Park Position
Homing, starting a print, and switching to any other mode (single, copy) causes a move out of range error. I have to stop motors then rehome to get it back going
Looks like you're on the right track though, especially doing it right off the top of your head lol
@blacksmithforlife 🇺🇸 Idk if Helge was wanting me to ping a RatOs Helper or someone from ratrig, but if you have the ability to help or have some thoughts would love to hear it! No rush of course. Im not pressed to have this working immediately
I've never used idex and I don't have a vcore4 so I'm not much help. Sorry
haha no worries!
@MDFPereira sorry to ping, not sure who to ask but Helge suggested someone who's familiar with RatOs may be able to provide some input with whats going on with mirror mode? Or if you know who else I can bug lol. Thanks!
If you get no help until monday, I will give you a hand… Will be out tomorrow.
No rush at all, appreciate any insight :) thank you so much
Send me a reminder then, please.
I will try and test something during the day
friendly monday reminder :)
If you need any additional details/sample gcode let me know! More than happy to help any way I can.
I think I have enough. Will take a look at it today
Little bump for help 😁