VAOC LED ring not working

I've been able to confirm that the VAOC camera is working as is the VAOC fan, however when I try to trigger the LED ring to light up it doesn't seem to want to light up. I've only tried this via the little flash light Icon on the VAOC screen.
20 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•5mo ago
please share your printer.cfg and ratos.cfg file
ShadesOP•5mo ago
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•5mo ago
where do you have connected the LED to? please make a photo
ShadesOP•5mo ago
the blue circle
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Helge Keck
Helge Keck•5mo ago
make a photo of hte actual conenctor to see if you have it reversed LEDs do not like if they have been conencted reverse, they die
ShadesOP•5mo ago
on that photo red would be the left most pin
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•5mo ago
no red is the right pin
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•5mo ago
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ShadesOP•5mo ago
sorry yes red is the right most let me open it up
ShadesOP•5mo ago
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Helge Keck
Helge Keck•5mo ago
have you had it connected once the other way arround?
ShadesOP•5mo ago
No I misspoke earlier I did have to sand it down as per the guide to make it fit in the housing I haven't tried the actual VAOC homing routine yet, but shouldn't the flashlight icon on the VAOC screen trigger the LEDs
@Shades Did anyone answer your question? I'm chasing the same issue. 😕
ShadesOP•3mo ago
Mine turned out to be a bad board. I verified by grabbing a multimeter and verifying I had 4.95v all the way to the LED board.
@Shades Thanks, had to put upgrades on hold at work for a few days. Back at it now. Have to find a way to test the LEDs then. I have 5V at the LED board connector.
ShadesOP•3mo ago
@Mr_Phelps_VCore_4.0_500 on the LED board where the cable connector is look on the opposite side of where the cable plugs in and find the 3 legs, I used those to test, admittedly I have really thin probes on my multimeter. But if you can read 4.95v there you know it's making it all the way to the LED board and rule out any issues with the LED connector cable.
Yup, already did that. Love my Fluke test lead set. Just trying to find out if we need a control signal to turn the VAOC LEDs on or if just 5V default turns them on.
mazas•3mo ago
The leds are neopixels, and need a series of well-timed pulses on the control pin to turn on. By default they stay off.
@mazas Thanks, I think I have something that should work with that. Leftovers from other projects. Something I can work on once the weekend arrives.
mazas•3mo ago
Ok, just be careful with static when working with the board 🙂

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