Octopus Pro and Neopixel
With my Octopus Pro with Neopixel on the red header I am not getting anything. If I swap the very same connector to the EBB42 it works.
This is my config:
[neopixel overhead_speed]
pin: PB0 # toolboard:PD3
chain_count: 15
color_order: GRB
initial_RED: 1.0
initial_GREEN: 0.0
initial_BLUE: 0.0
initial_WHITE: 0.0
Why isn´t this working?

5 Replies
Alternatively, is there any other pin that I could use?
Shhhiiii+++++t, ok, got it. Solution, see picture
It´s called PB10 meanwhile

you're code example is setup FOR the EBB42. The octopus board has a dedicated neopixel connector. you're code segment needs to change to
I also use a spare pin for my second string og neos
If you look closely, there is a # in between. PB10 it it for the Pro. But thx for some more info
Hi, impossible to drive LEDs on PB0 on OCTOPUS PRO H723, does anyone have an idea?
it's really PB0 ?
PB10 is not ok