VC4 500 IDEX extra spikes on X axis

Why do I have 2 spikes about the same amlpitude? Tried to run oscillator on that range and don't hear anything loose. IDEX belts are installed, without them toolheads are moving both axes when running tests on X.
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6 Replies
AntonOP2mo ago
I guess it was too tight. Checked the belts to be exact length and rerouted them, didn’t help. Then started to loose them and right peak started to sink, so left is from the belts hitting the extrusion and right is something in the toolheads probably I can’t find. Got to the point where IS recommends mzv for both toolheads but only 6600 acc, will take it for now.
AntonOP2mo ago
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AntonOP2mo ago
Ran some more tests, I think those both peaks come from the same belt due to uneven length of the side segment(622.75mm) and back segment(722mm)
AntonOP2mo ago
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Wetson2mo ago
Any solutions so far?
AntonOP2mo ago
No, moved on to set vaoc, will focus on print quality rather then graphs, otherwise you can spend all day on the belts and only get more confused

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