Welcome to the new RatOS Support Forum

Hi everybody! Finally forum channels are here, so now the RatOS support should be a lot more organized, and easier to search through, hopefully this makes it easier for us to help each other. I will add tags as necessary (basically if we see Other being used a lot, something is missing). @RatOS Team and @RatOS Helpers have moderater rights in here, so they can help keep things nice and organized. Let's see how it goes!
24 Replies
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•3y ago
is it possible to have something like pinned posts? Could be nice to have something like a guide for flashing or initial setup connection issues, ...... its normaly always the same steps we ask the users
miklschmidtOP•3y ago
Yes! @Helge Keck In fact this one is pinned. You can pin posts too. It's a good idea to gather "Try this first", we can sync that to the docs website as well over time.
correct-apricot•3y ago
amazing! the 00s internet is coming back in a weird round-about way! gooo forum posts!
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
What's old is new again. Most of the advances you've seen in the past 2 decades are from papers written in the 70's and 80's where the idea had merit but computing power just wasn't available to make it practical
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•3y ago
and today with all the cloud and quantum computing power we are able again to host forums, we jsut need the extra computing power for all the nice web2.0 bs kekw
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
Seriously, why do websites feel the need to include so much JavaScript that the page is bigger than DOOM the video game... @miklschmidt the last post in the now locked channel is a bit confusing since they are named the same. Maybe add forum after the # link?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•3y ago
we have admin rights here, you can create a post and pin it to the top
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
If that isn't helpful I can un-pin it
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•3y ago
i tihnk you should create a new post, not in this one
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
I did pin it, is there a different pin thing I should use?
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•3y ago
this is the welcome post
blacksmithforlife•3y ago
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•3y ago
yeah, forums are quiet a new tech
weust•3y ago
toml•3y ago
Can we have a RatOS mailing list. Thx.
miklschmidtOP•3y ago
Like a newsletter? "50% OFF HURRY UP"? kekw
ptegler•3y ago
so what's the scheme for docking the forum in the left menu of discord? ...or do we just need to remember to hit the RatOS channel than dig for the forum? (or is this ol' gezzer just missing something)
toml•3y ago
Believe it or not some projects still use actual full on nerdy mailing lists as their only method of support 😄
ptegler•3y ago
Ha! BTDT.... ran two major ol' British Car forums for nearly two decades...shut down just a year+ back... archived nearly 60,000 threads (>750,000 messages)
miklschmidtOP•3y ago
Damn i thought that was before my time, lol. That's what my dad uses. So 90's.. kekw it's "forum channels", meaning each channel is it's own forum. We've got one for RatOS support and one for each of the "fix-my-whatever" channels. You can tell if it's a forum channel by the channel icon (two chat bubbles instead of a hashtag)
ptegler•3y ago
Got it...the bubbles denote the Forums tnx
eager-peach•3y ago
Hallo bekomme diese Fehlermeldung habe mein Board das SKR 3 EZ geflasht schaffe es aber nicht auf die Steuerplatine 😩😩😩😩
No description
Helge Keck
Helge Keck•3y ago
i help you in the german channel, this is the english one
inland-turquoise•3y ago
I feel your pain. My personal website doesn't use neither javascript nor cookies.

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