RatOS on a PC?

Hi there, I'm using Klipper on a PC that I installed with Kiauh. I used the files from Ratos for my Ratrig core v3. I was wondering if it was possible to compile Ratos for AMD64 processors, I would like to use the macro of RatOS too ? Thanks in advance
17 Replies
miklschmidt16mo ago
Maybe... You could try and compile it with this as the base image: https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/raspberry-pi-desktop/
Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi Desktop for PC and Mac – Raspberry Pi
From industries large and small, to the kitchen table tinkerer, to the classroom coder, we make computing accessible and affordable for everybody.
miklschmidt16mo ago
It's probably not as easy as just replacing the image url, but it's worth a shot
miklschmidt16mo ago
basically you would copy this: https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS/blob/v2.x/config/raspberry/rpi64 to rpi386 and change the image url. It would run in 32-bit, but it makes no practical difference if all it's going to do is manage a 3d printer.
RatOS/config/raspberry/rpi64 at v2.x · Rat-OS/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Rat-OS/RatOS
kilou77OP16mo ago
Ok thanks for the leads, i'll look into it.
Nebulator16mo ago
I havent tried this but wouldnt it be easier to copy the config trees including all the macros etc? RatOS is (mostly?) Mainsail so i think all the configs would basically give you ratos on plain mainsail? not as much fun as compiling it though
If you don't care about the automatic flashing and other niceties
miklschmidt16mo ago
Yeah you can hack something together but it won't be RatOS, some stuff won't work. Configurator would be missing so no automatic flashing, no extension management (which will cause the install scripts to fail), the migrations handled in RatOS updates to automate compatibility with breaking changes in klipper / moonraker etc may not work etc etc.
Rigattoni10mo ago
Well... even if this is an older thread, I like to follow up on this question. I have an outsourced laptop which now is installed with Linux and I would like to reuse this for RatOS. @miklschmidt Just to ask back on your explanation:
basically you would copy this: https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS/blob/v2.x/config/raspberry/rpi64

to rpi386 and change the image url. It would run in 32-bit, but it makes no practical difference if all it's going to do is manage a 3d printer.
basically you would copy this: https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS/blob/v2.x/config/raspberry/rpi64

to rpi386 and change the image url. It would run in 32-bit, but it makes no practical difference if all it's going to do is manage a 3d printer.
To be honest, I downloaded both images and I don´t get that. Do I need to unpack the img´s and add a new folder "rpi386" with the file you mentioned?
miklschmidt10mo ago
Neither. You change the url in the file
miklschmidt10mo ago
RatOS/config/raspberry/rpi64 at v2.x · Rat-OS/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Rat-OS/RatOS
miklschmidt10mo ago
Then add it to the workflow_config file, push to github and run a build
Rigattoni10mo ago
Okay, thx! Will give it a try. Well... I think I´m too stupid for that. I never had to do things like pushing something to Git and to run a build. Would you please be so kind and help a stupid fellow to get that done?
how much linux experience do you have? Probably best to start with a supported debian image and then run through the install manually (basically in order you will need to do these modules https://github.com/Rat-OS/RatOS/blob/v2.x/config/raspberry/default#L9)
miklschmidt10mo ago
I'm sorry this is gonna be really really rough if that's where we're at, there's no telling if it would even work in the first place, you'd most likely have to do debugging and os level fixes afterwards. I don't have the time. By far the easiest approach here is to use the existing rpi386 image. Starting from scratch is a heck of a lot more work
ohhh nice - I didn't realize they had a x86 image! hehe, it is what I normally do 😅
miklschmidt10mo ago
yeah i was trying to tell @Rigattoni how to basically just copy paste the rpi64 config and change the url, then add it to the workflow config, push and start the build action on github. I don't have the time to assist further than providing the steps.
Rigattoni10mo ago
No problem Mikl... I will try some things and if I get it working it´s okay. If not... :need:

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