Large gaps in first layer, unsure what to try next (V-Core 3.1 400mm)
Hi everyone,
I did my first test print yesterday, following the commissioning guides closely. As seen in the images, I have large gaps in my first layers, except strangely for the corner it begins printing first (second photo, top right of print). I strongly believe my nozzle / Z is offset correctly.
What I have kept constant:
- eSun PLA+ (210-230 C), (45-60 C bed)
- Rapido hotend, 0.4mm nozzle with 4028 fan
- 7x7 mesh before every print
- My mesh is within 0.27mm
- 40mm max print speed
What I have changed (admittedly in no real scientific fashion):
- Print temp (200 - 220 C)
- Bed temp (60 - 65 C)
- First layer line width (0.52 - 0.60)
- Fan speed (50 - 0 %) --> Changing this has made the biggest difference, although nothing amazing)
- Pressure advance (0.05 - 0)
Regarding pressure advance, I believe this is my largest issue (based on photos of similar looking first layers), although I don't properly understand how to change it, or where to find out how to change it. I have looked at ellis3dp's info on pressure advance, to no avail.
Initially I believed pressure advance to be off, based on "printer.cfg" commenting out,
"#pressure_advance: 0.05",
although when starting a print I noticed in the console it would print,
"pressure_advance: 0.05"
"pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.04"
I couldn't find where to change pressure advance in SuperSlocer, although I believe it is possible, instead I typed in the console,
it responded,
"pressure_advance: 0"
"pressure_advance_smooth_time: 0.04"
This, I believed pressure advance was now off, although I am not certain.
In short, I believe this terrible first layer to be due to pressure advance, what do you people think?
Can I change pressure advance within SuperSlicer, if so, where?
I am not looking for perfection yet, but I really haven't seen any real progress in my attempts to fix this issue. Thanks for any help.

7 Replies
It doesnt look like pressure advance, usually when PA is set too high you get small holes near the perimeters (where the infill doesnt quite fill the gaps to the perimeters). It looks like classic z-offset.
If you calibrated with paper, print the same layer and then babystep the z-offset down until the layer looks smooth.
You could also try to set the first layer height a little larger (0.2 -> 0.25 for example), that gives you a bit more wiggle room for setting the offset
Hi there,
I have noticed small pinholes around the perimeter like you describe throughout all my prints, as seen in the attached image.
I tried one test, decreasing z-offset by 0.025, although I believe this was too close to the bed. I think that I have it calibrated correctly now, although I will now play around with it.
Do you know how I can disable pressure advance in SuperSlicer? Thanks.

Hey just to update, I figured out SuperSlicer adds pressure advance into the g-code, but I still can't find it within the settings. I just edited it to be 0 in the g-code.
You were absolutely right about the offset, I was hesitant to go any lower with my offset as I was already getting about 0.2mm first layer height, and I was terrified of the nozzle crashing into the bed.
In the end I decreased it about 0.04mm and my first layers are looking much better!
Thanks for your suggestion 🙂
Your Z-offset is a little high, as you can see distinct lines and even some of the PEI shining through the lines in the bottom right of the picture.
The pinholes are indeed likely PA. Its this setting in your Mainsail dashboard. More than 1 perimeter might also help

ah sry somehow missed your second message.
Nice that you fixed it 🙂
Didn't know SS actually includes PA.
Just so you know, textured PEI needs a slightly smaller z-offset compared to smooth materials as the material is squished between the particles
vicious-gold•16mo ago
This is for sure not PA issue but simply too big z-offset