'Cannot connect to Moonraker'-Message

I have been getting this error more and more recently, suddenly the web interface isnt reachable. Its been happening while I am printing. I cant reach the host via SSH either, it wont even respond to ping. Klipperscreen running on an android phone keeps responding though, which is weird...any ideas, where to start troubleshooting?
5 Replies
miklschmidt3y ago
Sounds like it's dropping off wifi
fargoOP3y ago
That does sound plausbile. What would be a good way to solve this? Actually, I really am thinking about doing a fresh RatOS install, but I would like to retain all my settings, not only the printer.cfg and I am not quite sure, if there is an easy way to do this.
miklschmidt3y ago
you can backup your moonraker database in the mainsail settings dialog.
stormy-gold3y ago
Fargo, in having a similar issue. now, im very, very new to this rat rig thing (im ordering the kit this week) and also very new to firmware and how it all works. but i get a cannot connect to moon raker while trying to set up the OS and klipper with mailsail. i dont even get to the mailsail main page
miklschmidt3y ago
That's a different issue, make a new thread in the future. (use the IP of the pi instead of RatOS.local, should be fixed in 2.0 alpha).

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