EBB42 1.2 + E3D Revo Voron RatOS Mcu Toolboard adc out of range

Hi Guys, I have just finished to mount and connect my new Ratrig vcore 3.1 and installed Klipper following the guide on Ratrig website. Once the configuration is finished I removed from ihe printer.cfg the # in the Hotend section next to the Revo and i removed the # also in the Toolboard section (i have the BTT EBB42 1.2 correctly flashed via RatOS configurator). I always see the errore "Mcu Toolboard adc out of range" when i start Klipper. This is the datasheet of the REVO Voron: Max Printing Temperature: 300°C Mass: ~25g Temperature sensor type: thermistor, Semitec 104NT-4-R025H42G Voltage options: 12V or 24V Wattage: 40W Filament diameter: 1.75mm PS: If I connect the Phaetus Rapido 2 to my toolboard and choose the Rapido into the Printer.cfg, i can read the temperature in the dashboard and the printer works fine. Thank you in advance 🙂
6 Replies
miklschmidt2y ago
Is there an actual problem here? You're saying that you're getting adc out of range error (which a quick google search would tell you is because of thermistor problems) without a thermistor attached, and it goes away when you attached a thermistor. So.. what's the issue?
SYG|Krizalid87OP2y ago
i have ATTACHED the E3D Revo and i read the error. But if i ATTACH the Phaetus Rapido 2 it works. the issue is the incorrect Thermistor reading when I plug the Hotend (E3D revo in the printer.cfg)
miklschmidt2y ago
Ah, gotcha, are you sure the Revo thermistor isn't the problem? Please measure the resistance of that thermistor, my guess is it's broken
SYG|Krizalid87OP2y ago
ok, what value i must read ? kOhm? My T Amb is about 30°
miklschmidt2y ago
yes, it should read around 80k at 30c. I expect there's no continuity however (pretty much the only way you're going to get that error)
SYG|Krizalid87OP2y ago
Thanks You, i Will check

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