Commissioning - Ripples in first layer

Hello, I am at the Z offset part of the Commisioning guide. I'm using PolymakerABS for the testing here. Will PA and EM fix the ripples here or should I be looking elsewhere? Based off my reading here I think my belts and mesh are okay? Any help would be appreciated!
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2 Replies
Max3mo ago
EM may fix this, or it might be that you haven´t got the z-offset quite right yet. If you zoom into your photos you can see these ridges between each line. These are created when too much filament is extruded into too little space, causing it too flow up next to the nozzle. The ripples are just a more extreme version of this which can sometimes happen if your nozzle is exceptionally close to the bed for the amount of filament you are extruding. To fix this you can either increase the z offset so that there is more room for the filament or you can reduce the EM so that less filament is forced into that room. Unfortunately it is not possible to say which method is correct from only a first layer. I would suggest that for now you adjust the z offset until it looks like the sample labeled perfect in the commissioning guide. Then after that you can start tuning PA/EM. You may find that if you reduce the EM your first layer will then look like the nozzle is too far from the bed again. That is unfortunately just part of the process and at that point you can then go back and fine tune your z offset again. Unfortunately PA and EM tuning are not really covered in the commissioning guide so I would maybe even consider switching to Ellis Tuning guide and completing the basic tuning section there before continuing with the commissioning guide. (You can probably skip the extruder calibration, as the default value in RatOS should be good enough to get you started)
Ellis’ Print Tuning Guide
Ellis’ Print Tuning Guide
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MikeyOP3mo ago
I appreciate you, thanks!!!

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