Extra MCU not updated for new version of Klipper

Hi my extra mcu is an SKR mini E3 V3 and for months it has alway updated with new versions of Klipper. But for versions .....154 and now today .....155 the SKR mini has failed to update. What is going on? The printer is working and the skr mini is working as well, but it is still on Klipper 154. I will update via the configurator again but would love for this to stop happening
1 Reply
miklschmidt11mo ago
Only way to find out is to ssh in and run the make-and-flash-mcu.sh script manually for that board. could be many things, bug in -154 that causes it to not enter bootloader mode correctly, borked bootloader, yada yada. No way to know without checking the output usually it's enough to manually flash it again and it should work. Unless all your boards don't flash, then you most like hard reset RatOS and will have to ssh in and run RatOS/scripts/ratos-update.sh to restore the git hooks. But if it's just one board, there's an issue with that board specifically

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