Install RatOS on a fresh Armbian install
Hi there, I have installed armbian os on a tv box with amlogic s905 and currently running klipper. Is there an easy way to install RatOS ?
19 Replies
depends on what you mean by "easy". That board currently isn't supported, so you will have to do all the steps that the image build pipeline does, or you will have to create your own ratos image variant. With the later you can then submit a pull request and everyone can benefit from your work
like-goldOP•2y ago
I can try, but I don't know where to start from. How do you build os image from the github repo ?
At a high level:
* you need to fork
* create your variant in
* make sure you are working on the 2.x branch so that the github workflow will pick up your changes
* create new modules if needed if you run into problems in
* after pushing your changes, github should automatically start a build. Click on the "actions" tab near the top of the repo (for example here are some from RatOS
* after it is done running it will have produced an image. You need to download that image and burn to SD card and test that it works on the PI replacement board (in your case amlogic s905)
* once it is working and all the features of ratos are working (wifi hotspot, configurator, etc) then you can submit a pull request
like-goldOP•2y ago
Ok just tried to build but all builds failed installing crownsnest module.
Installing crowsnest ...
Hit:1 bullseye InRelease
Hit:2 bullseye-updates InRelease
Hit:3 bullseye-backports InRelease
Hit:4 bullseye-security InRelease
Hit:6 bullseye InRelease
Hit:5 bullseye InRelease
Reading package lists...
Package git already installed. [SKIPPED]
No Dependencies missing... [SKIPPED]
Clone crowsnest repository ...
Cloning into 'crowsnest'...
Generating packages file ...
++++ echo_red 'build failed, unmounting image...'
++++ echo -e -n '\e[91m'
++++ echo build failed, unmounting image...
build failed, unmounting image...
I need some help to the build?
like-goldOP•2y ago
try rebuild · myexec/RatOS_AmlogicS905@cbea5b0
The preconfigured Armbian image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - try rebuild · myexec/RatOS_AmlogicS905@cbea5b0
looks like it is failing on
does the
user not exist?GitHub
RatOS/start_chroot_script at v2.x · Rat-OS/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - RatOS/start_chroot_script at v2.x · Rat-OS/RatOS
but it is also weird that all the builds are failing on installing crowsnest
like-goldOP•2y ago
yes, I'm trying now to build it locally
If I recall correctly the armbian OS doesn't come with the
user. So lines 8-10 are needed (but you currently have them commented out)GitHub
Comparing Rat-OS:v2.x...myexec:v2.x · Rat-OS/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Comparing Rat-OS:v2.x...myexec:v2.x · Rat-OS/RatOS
This needs work after crowsnext v4, it currently doesn't compile. You can change the branch to legacy/v3 though, that should work.
V4 is breaking in many ways
like-goldOP•2y ago
ok will try, thanks
like-goldOP•2y ago
Changed the base user to root:1234 as from, but failed again:, I think I need to add a default user for the build. Can I do this with a module ?
Changed default user · myexec/RatOS_AmlogicS905@3c8a109
The preconfigured Armbian image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - Changed default user · myexec/RatOS_AmlogicS905@3c8a109
All I had to do for official armbian image was for creating a user
RatOS/orangepi3lts at orange_pi_3lts · jscancella/RatOS
The preconfigured Raspberry Pi image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - RatOS/orangepi3lts at orange_pi_3lts · jscancella/RatOS
like-goldOP•2y ago
ok I uncommented the pi user in the config and also set the older v3 version for the crawlsnest module and now the other images build successfully. Unfortunately mine fails again, much earlier this time. It tries to copy /usr/bin/qemu-aarch64-static with same source and destination:
setting crawnest v3 · myexec/RatOS_AmlogicS905@2ca8b81
The preconfigured Armbian image that makes it easy to run Klipper + Moonraker + Mainsail on your printer. - setting crawnest v3 · myexec/RatOS_AmlogicS905@2ca8b81
like-goldOP•2y ago
I built it finally 🙂 now I'll try installing it.
like-goldOP•2y ago
Ok so I managed to install it and run it on my mini m8s box and this is running my printer now. Also I did manage to run it on another box but after running shutdown command it's now bricked and won't boot anything. (I think this is the second box I brick after shutdown command, previously on libreelec ) Anyway every tv box is unique and needs the correct files to boot, described here:
Armbian Community Forums
Installation Instructions for TV Boxes with Amlogic CPUs
These instructions are for Amlogic CPUs for TV Boxes. Note: If you have previously run other distributions on the box such as coreelec the below installation will not work. You will need to restore the original android firmware before attempting the install. coreelec changes the boot environment ...
like-goldOP•2y ago
So now should I request a pull or better describe the process in my own repository ?
dependent-tan•2y ago
Hi all, related to this topic, in case someone would be interested : I also got it working fine on an Amlogic S912 powered tv box (Alfawise H96+) !