Probe triggered prior to movement

Hello. I have a problem this time with Z_TILT_ADJUST the printer is easily based on 3 axes x, y, z but when try to make Z_TILT_ADJUST head goes to one corner and stops after I have a message Probe triggered prior to movement here is my config
[probe] pin: ^can0:PB8 x_offset: -29.8 y_offset: -13.5 z_offset: 2.202 speed: 5 samples: 3 sample_retract_dist: 2 lift_speed: 5.0 samples_result: median samples_tolerance: 0.02 samples_tolerance_retries: 5 [safe_z_home] home_xy_position: 200,200 # V-Core 3 (400) speed: 135 z_hop: 25 # ---------- odległość na ile odjeżdza w doł po Home Z move_to_previous: False When set to True, the X and Y axes are reset to their previous positions after Z axis homing. The default is False. [bed_mesh] speed: 30 horizontal_move_z: 25 mesh_min: 20,20 mesh_max:365,360 probe_count: 7,7 fade_start: 1.0 fade_end: 10.0 mesh_pps: 2,2 algorithm: bicubic bicubic_tension: .2 [z_tilt] z_positions: 0,0 200,400 400,0 points: 25,25 200,350 390,25
horizontal_move_z: 25 retries: 10 retry_tolerance: 0.01 speed: 50 # OVERRIDE
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43 Replies
genius23pl2y ago
Anybody have idea what is wrong??
it is in the error message, your probe thinks it has already triggered before the printer has even moved
genius23pl2y ago
can i change this in in config
maybe? You could have a misconfiguration in your config or bad connection/wrong wiring. What type of probe?
genius23pl2y ago
ecluid. Bad connection - don't think so becquse x,y and z are homing propetly
Use the system tab to check the euclid capacity to close or open the triggering
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genius23pl2y ago
stormy-gold17mo ago
what have you done to solve i have the same problem .. when i put some metal under the probe and check if it will untriggered with the 2 arrows .. its stays stiggered
genius23pl17mo ago
Oh, a lot of time has passed - but as I remember correctly, I had mixed with cables
stormy-gold17mo ago
yes but for me it worked almost a year now and ihave notting changed strange
Have you another probe/endstop to plug on and try, just to clear a probe issue.
stormy-gold17mo ago
I ordered a new one but can you measure with a multimeter if something wrong with the wires
Helge Keck
Helge Keck17mo ago
if the bed is to much tilted this can happen, or maybe your probe mount is loose
stormy-gold17mo ago
When i print without a bedmesh it prints nornal good first layer
Helge Keck
Helge Keck17mo ago
check the cable
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