VC4 with Orbiter O2 board Klipper shut down

Trying to build a kit from Ratrig - VC4 300 Hybrid with an Octopus Pro 723 V1.1, Rpi4, Beacon H, and Orbiter O2 toolboard. The toolboard is the only thing not from Ratrig. I have been scouring the channels here and various board documentation and have been unsuccessful in getting the printer operational. Since this toolboard is supported in RatOS, I don't think it should be difficult and may be overlooking something. I've got a strong mechanical background and feel confident in the wiring but I don't have much experience with software. I have been able to flash all boards to the newest firmware and see each board over USB via putty. When using the configurator, I am able to set up the printer but run into issues with the printer.cfg and RatOS.cfg. I'm not certain all pin names are correct, updated some and continue to run into errors. I've only ever had the host listed in system loads and I'm running out of ideas. Thank you in advance for any help you can provide!
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ecowansOP7mo ago
where or how do I get that?
chicken7mo ago
What is configured for PA0 in the printer.cfg
ecowansOP7mo ago
It isn't mentioned in the printer.cfg specifically. In RatOS.cfg it is [output_pin hotend_power] pin: toolboard_t0:PA0 value: 0 and [extruder] max_extrude_only_distance: 200 nozzle_diameter: 0.4 heater_pin: toolboard_t0:PA0 sensor_type: PT1000 sensor_pin: toolboard_t0:PA3 min_extrude_temp: 170 min_temp: 0 max_temp: 350 pressure_advance: 0.03 for the output_pin, it was originally generated as PA10 which is the hot end fan pin, hot the heater pin however, PA10 is also mentioned further down in the fan definition so similar error occurs
chicken7mo ago
the file is under configurator and then the link in the left menu
ecowansOP7mo ago
chicken7mo ago
you running the latest ratOS and updated everything from the machine tab?
ecowansOP7mo ago
at one point i commented out a lot of sections and eventually got the error that my version of klipper was -dirty but all versions on other mcus were up to date and clean. I believe so RC2.1
chicken7mo ago
thats normal when you first install to show errors like that but once you hit the check for updates button and upgrade everything it should clear up What version does your RatOS line show? Most current I think is RatOS v2.1.0-RC2-37-g4bb52894
ecowansOP7mo ago
I did that, made sure to do the RatOS update first, then others correct that's what i show just updated today both of those sections seem to refer to the PA0 pin on the tool board, however, when i comment out the first mention, it says the shutdown value for the soft PWM should be 0 or 1
chicken7mo ago
give me 20 mins and I'll take a look. dinner is ready. bb in a few
ecowansOP7mo ago
no worries, thank you!
chicken7mo ago
did you walk through the configurator tool before or after you upgraded it?
ecowansOP7mo ago
i did it before
chicken7mo ago
re-run the configurator and go through all of the selections again and have it save what ever changes it wants. There have been a number of bugs fixed and I remember someone running into something similar but dont remember what toolboard it was
ecowansOP7mo ago
ok, i'll try it
chicken7mo ago
the configurator builds the files directly so something may be amiss there
ecowansOP7mo ago
its been hard to find others experiences with the Orbiter O2 board
chicken7mo ago
I think most folks went with the stock ebb36 board
ecowansOP7mo ago
yeah, i thought about that... saw Ratrig was going to have their own version of the Orbiter board, it does seem made well Ok, part fan is digital PWM on tool board, hotend fan is input voltage pwm on toolboard. I'm powering the part fan via octopus pro at the 12V but the PWM line for it is on the toolboard toolboard was still out of date, just flashed it successfully... both my x and y endstops i have to the Octopus pro
chicken7mo ago
why x?
ecowansOP7mo ago
the toolboard only has a two pin connection and the endstop that came from Ratrig is 3-pin, plugs directly into the octopus, i just connected it to the port it selected. ok, my error i always start with after updates or rebooting is this:
ecowansOP7mo ago
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chicken7mo ago
hmm power cycle the entire printer and does it do the same thing?
ecowansOP7mo ago
pretty sure it will, just a sec yep
chicken7mo ago
can you reupload the
chicken7mo ago
and the configurator sees the MCU and the toolboard fine?
ecowansOP7mo ago
says "detected" and i can flash each it also shows their USB paths i tried pasting the paths into my printer.cfg to update the serial path to what it actually is
chicken7mo ago
sorry not sure what the problem is. Sounds like you have it configured right. I would either start another threa with the latests errors and debug file in the RatOS support channel or start a post there and tag this one. Its something misconfigured or a RatOS issue with that toolboard. The two main devs are europe based so its the middle of the night. Get something posted there and hopefully they will be around tomorrow and can give some better insight with this board. if I think of anything else I'll ping you
ecowansOP7mo ago
thanks, i appreciate the help! I may have to get a EBB on order for now...
chicken7mo ago
it may be something simple but you may need mikl or helge to point you in the right direction
ecowansOP7mo ago
Resolved in the RatOS support channel.✅

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