octopus pro detected but not responding

Hi, just wondered if anyone had any suggestions for me - printer had been working fine last time I used it. I went to use it recently and got “Moonraker can't connect to Klipper! Please check if the Klipper service is running and klippy_uds_address is correctly configured in the moonraker.conf.” On troubleshooting this, I tried reinstalling klipper on my octopus pro 446… when I go through the configurator it detects the board fine, but after trying to check version it tells me “octopus pro 446 detected but is unresponsive”. I tried resetting, depowering and repowering etc. I’ve tried automatically reflashing the firmware, I’ve put the board into DFU which gets detected fine and then flashed the firmware. Nothing appears to have helped though as the board remains unresponsive. I haven’t made any changes to setup or wiring etc. Any ideas or has the board just randomly died?
Maybe. Do you have another SD card and can just flash it and test? Worst case if it does not work you still have your original OS
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6 Replies
chicken6mo ago
Do you have any other usb devices plugged into the Pi? I had something similar happen when I pinched the usb cable to one of my cameras and it messed up the USB bus and the pi could not communicate to the mcu
ZeeflyboyOP6mo ago
Only the toolboard, maybe I’ll try with that disconnected Edit - unfortunately even without the tool board plugged in it’s the same. I note the toolboard also has the same message so perhaps there’s an issue elsewhere with my ratos install as it seems unlikely both toolboard and main board throw the exact same error at the same time
chicken6mo ago
Maybe. Do you have another SD card and can just flash it and test? Worst case if it does not work you still have your original OS
ZeeflyboyOP6mo ago
Mmm, I have a few lying around somewhere… good idea.
chicken6mo ago
also do you have another USB cable you can try between the pi and the MCU? it seems like its USB issue if your toolboard is not being recognized either. Not sure how klipper will respond but can you unplug the MCU and will the klipper see the toolboard?
ZeeflyboyOP6mo ago
I’ve put in a fresh version of ratos on a different SD card and it all seems to be alive… odd but something must have gone wrong in ratos somehow 🤷🏻‍♂️ Cheers for the help!

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