Internal error on command:"G28"
Hi all :
PRUSA MK3S. Been running Ratos for a serious while; SD went corrupt so reinstalled.
I've first tried 2.1 RC3 but wizard would fail systematically (same symptoms as : ), so went-back to Ratos 2
Any help would be great, I have 4 of these bad boys nervously waiting for a fresh SD..... Many thanks in advance
40 Replies
Did you update ratos first, making sure it had a good internet connection?
Yes, in the right order
Got a screenshot of the actual error? What actions are you taking that trigger it? Include your config files as requested in the pinned post
hm. How about the klippy.log? Hopefully it'll show what the "internal error" actually is
I've gone as far as I could in the investigation but the klippy log is beyond my skills
something is not right about how you installed or updated ratos. If you're on 2.0.2 then you don't have the convenience of
ratos doctor
. I'd recommend starting over again with flashing.Ok. But flashing fails. Via ssh ? Make flash etc ?
Installing 2.1?
I had not heard /read anything about ratos doctor, I'll give it a try
Hummm... I have raspberries 3a+ in my mk3s.... I'm afraid they're too weak to run 2.1. I must stay on 2.0.2
Docs say that 3A+ should be enough
Yep 3A+ should be fine.... I don't get it : I've gone through klipper and RatOS install so many times over the last 2/3 years.... It's usually straightforward.
Should I roll back to RC1 ? I've succeeded 3 full installs with it recently. Could that help ? Just the initial updates after connecting to the net takes ages
"flashing fails" how?
OK : just spend hours on RC2. Looks better (updates more easily) but still same bug
Just tried adding the following (early in the printer.cfg file), nos success :
serial: /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prusa_Researchprusa3d.comOriginal_Prusa_i3_MK3__-if00
I might be completely beside the point, but I see this :
And this is weird as well, I can't soft or hard recover anything from the Ratos github (that's on a V-core 3.1 / Rasp 3b+ I'm trying to update as well)
don't hard or soft recover a repo, it messes everything up
What should you do then when it appears as broken ?
mainsail for some reason shows it as invalid, but really that is just that it hasn't been able to get the updates yet. Try refreshing the updates and wait
but now that you are in a bad state, it is easier to start over with a fresh Pi image
I have tried to refresh / Wait / reboot many times.
I would start investigating your network setup
No... Network is is fine, I have several other printers running fine (Ratos 2.0.2 mostly, 2 x 2.10 printers.... WIFI 2.4, same SSID for everyone. Been running it for years
I can only point to what mainsail is doing. Drop your into the chat
Where can I find this guy ? (Many thanks for being here by the way 😉
the pinned comment in #ratos-support details how to get it
OK ! That's from the V-Core 3.1 / Rasp 3b+ / RC1 I'm currently trying
Interresting : we've just wired it to the network rather than wifi : looks much faster. Previous releases or RatOS were notthat slow on wifi
might have something wrong with the wifi on that particular raspi if the others on your networks are fine
Both rasps I'm currently trying have been running Ratos 2.0.2 for a while on wifi, same network (Same Unify relays, using just the 2.4 ghz SSID)
This one is on proper RJ45 now, directly to the router. I've let them run quietly for a while, all items look ready for upgrade now, except these 2 guys :
Ctrl+R to refresh the page?
No impact, even tried rebooting every 30' or so...
Tempted to update just the System's 135 packages 🤔
don't do that - see the message in #announcements
ew, AI